Viljabaragoxala 10. Vijay& A principal wife of Logapāla, Soma(4) under Bali(4).
1. Bha. 406. 11. Vijayā A principal Disākumāri residing in a subquarter of the middle region of mount Ruyaga'(1).
1, Tir. 65.
12. Vijayă A principal Disākumāri presiding over the Disāsotthiya peak of the eastern Ruyaga(1) mountain.1
1. Jam, 114, Tir. 153, AvaH. p. 122.
13. Vijaya Name of one of the four principal wives of each Gaha (planet )', Ņakkhafta (constellation) and Tārā(3) (star).
1. Bha. 406, Sth. 273, Jiv. 204. 1 2. Bha. 170, BhaA. p. 534. 14. Vijayā A pond situated on the northern Amjanaga mountain in the Ņamdisara continent,
1. Sth. 307.
15. Vijayā It is the name of wives of various Paumas who were merchants of Savatthi, Hatthiņāura etc. as well as mothers of Pauma(5), Sivā(4) etc.
1. Jna. 157.
See Viyāvatta."
Vijayāvatta (Vijayāvarta)
1. KalpCu. p. 103. Vijjaṇāgari (Vidyānāgari)
1. Kalp. p. 259.
One of the four branches of Cārapagana(2).1
Vijjácaraṇaviņicchaya (Vidyācaraṇaviniscaya ) An Angabābira Ukkālia text, not extant now.
1. Nan. 44, NanM. p. 205, Nanh. p. 71. Vijjājambhaga (Vidyājțmbhaka) One of the ten types of the Jambhaga
1. Bha, 533.
Vijjāņuppavāya (Vidyānupravāda) Tenth of the fourteen Puvva texts. It was divided into fifteen sections. It is also known as Anuppa vāda. 1. Sam. 14, 147, Nan. 57, NanCu. p. 2. Sam 15. 76, NanM. p. 241.
3. AvaCu. I. p, 422.
Vijjaharagovāla (Vidyādharagopāla)
1. KalpV. p. 261.
See Govāla.?
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