the park of
6. Suhamma A yaksa to whom a shrine was dedicated in Camdanapāyava at Miyagāma.
1 Vip. 2,
1. Suhammă (Sudharmā) Council of Sakka(3) as well as those of the lords of other celestial regions. Rāyappaseniya gives it's details. 1. Sam. 35-36, 31; Jam, 88, 115, 119, 1 Jna. 157-158, Sur. 97, Jiv. 137, 143; 170: Bha, 116, 405, 407, 587, 603;
Sut. 1.6. 24.
2. Raj. 123-128. 2. Sahammā Council of Vāsudeva(2) Kapha(1).
1. Jna. 53.
Suhavivāga (Sukhavipäka) Second section of Vivāgasuya. It was recited by Suhamma(1) to his disciple Jambū(1) in the shrine of Gupasilaa at Rāyagiha. It contains ten chapters which depict the fruits of offering alms to ascetics. 1. Vip. 33.
2. Vip. 34.
Suhavaba (Sukhāvaha) A Vakkbära mountain situated to the south of river Siaya, to the west of mount Mamdaral and between the districts of Ņaliņa(6) and Naliņā vai(2). It has four peaks. 1. Sth. 302, 434, 637; Jņa. 64.
3. Jam. 102. 2. Jam, 102. Suhuma (Sūkşma) Sixth would-be Kulagara in the Bharaha(2) region. He is also called Supaha.? and Suha. 1. Sam. 159, Sth. 556.
3. Sth. 556 2. Tir. 1004. Suhamaliyă (Sukumārikā) See Sämäliya, Satakaļa (Sūtraksta) See Sayagada.
1. SutCu. p. 6. Sätagaļa (Sūtraksta ) See Sűyagaļa. Sāmāliyā ( Sukumārikā) See Sukomāliya.'
1. Ina. 109. Sayakada (Sutraksta) See Sayagada.!
I, SutCu. p. 21. Sayagada (Sūtraksta) Second of the twelve Anga(3) texts. It is variously called as Suttakada, Sūyagada, Sātagadaand Sutakada. It is divided into 1. Sam. 137, SutN. 2, Nan. 45, NanH. 1 2 . SutN. 2, Anu. 92, BrhBh. 408, Pras. p. 78, SamA. p. 107, Stha. p. 2,
28, NisCu. IV. p. 252. SutSi. pp. 6, 21-22; PakY. p. 70.
3. SutCu. p. 6, NisCu. I. p. 35.
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