Hāravarā vabhāsoda.
3. Häravara A concentric island surrounding Hārasamudda. It is encircled by Hāravaroda. It is presided over by Hāravarabhadda and Hāra varamahabhadda.
1. Jiv. 185, JivM. p. 368. Häravarabhadda (Hāravarabhadra) One of the two deities presiding over the Häravara(3) island."
1. Jiv. 185. Häravaramahābhadda (Hāravaramahābhadra) One of the two. deities presiding over the Hära vara(3) island.
'1. Jiv. 185.
1. Häravaramahāvara One of the two deities presiding over Hārasamudda.?
1. Jiv. 185. 2. Håravaramahāvara One of the two deities presiding over the Häravaroda ocean.
1. Jiv. 185, JivM. p. 368.
Häravarðvabhāsa A concentric island surrounded by the Häravarávabhasoda ocean. It encircles the Häravaroda ocean. It is presided over by Hāravarāvabhasabhadda and Häravară vabhāsamahābhadda.
1. Jiv. 185. Häravarāvabhāsabhadda (Hāravarā abhāsabhadra) One of the two deities presiding over the Hāravarāvabhāsa island.1
1. Jiv, 185. Håravarāvabhāsamabābbadda (Hāravarāvabhāsamahābhadra ). One of the two deities presiding over the Häravarāvabhāsa island.
1. Jiv. 185. Hāravarāvabhāsavara One of the two deities presiding over the Häravarávabhāsoda ocean.
1. Jiv. 185.
One of the two deties presiding over Håravara
Hāravarāvabhäsamahävara vabhāsoda.
1. Jiv. 185.
Hāravarávabhāsoda A concentric ocean surrounding the Hāravarāvabhāsa island. It is presided over by Hära varāvabhäsavara and Häravarāvabäsimahävara.
1. Jiv. 185. 111
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