years and went to the Jayamta celestial abode after death. In future he will take birth in Mahavideha and attain emancipation there,
1. Anut. 2, Ava. p. 27. 3. Halla Son of king Seņia(1) and his queen Cellapā of Rāyagiha. The king gave him an excellent elephant named Seyaņaya. Küpia, elder brother of Halla asked him for the elephant. Halla refused to depart with it and took the refuge of king Cedaga, his maternal grand-father. This proved to be the cause of the battle between Cedaga and Kūņia. The same is the case with his twin brother Vihalla(1) whom Senia had given a necklace. Halla(2) and Halla(3) seem to be identical. There has probably occurred Some confusion in regard to their mother's names. .
1. AvaCu. II. pp. 167, 171, NifC. 1.1, BhaA. p. 316, Aval. p. 679.
Hassa (Hāsya) Lord of the Mahākardiya gods of the southern region.
1. Sth. 94. Hassarai (Hāsyarati) Lord of the northern Mahākardiya gods.
1. Sth. 94, Hära Eighth Chapter of Dogiddhidasā.
1. Sth. 755.
Häraddiva (Háradvipa) A concentric island around the Ruyagavarăvabbāsa(2) ocean. It is surrounded by Hārasamudda. Hārabhadda and Hāramahābhadda are its presiding gods.1
1. Jiv. 185.
Hārappabhā (Hāraprabhā Daughter of merchant Dhana(5) of Campå and wife of Jiņadatta(4) of Vasamtapura(3). She was very beautiful."
1. AvaCu. I. p. 531, AvaH. p. 399. Härabhadda (Hārabhadra) One of the two deities) presiding over Håraddiva.
1. Jiv. 185.
Háramahābhadda (Hāramahābhadra) One of the two deities presiding over Hăraddiya, 1
1. Jiv. 185. 1. Häravara One of the two deities presiding over Hārasamudda.
1. Jiv. 185. 2. Hāravara One of the two deities presiding over the Häravaroda occean.
1. Jiv. 185, JivM. p. 368.
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