1. Somadatta One of the four successors of Bhaddabāhu(1).
1, Kalp. p, 255.
2. Somadatta A Brāhmana of Campā. He was husband of Bhūyasiri and brother of Soma(7) and Somabhūi(4).
1. Jna. 106.
3. Somadatta A resident of Paumasamda. He was the first to offer alms to Titthayara Camda ppabha(1). 1. Avan, 323,
2. Sam, 157, Ava N. 327, AvaM. p. 227.
4. Somadatta A priest of Kosambi, He was the husband of Vasudattā and father of Vahassaidatta.
1. Vip. 24.
5. Somadatta Son of Brāhmana Jannadatta(2) and brother of Somadeva (2). Both the brothers took initiation from ascetic Somabhū(8) and died peacefully abandoning food and water,
1. Mar. 493, UttCu. p. 69, UttN, and Utts. p. 111. 6. Somadatta A Brāhmana belonging to Campā. Titthayara Mahāvīra had once spent a rainy season in his agnihotraśālā.
1. AvaM. p. 297.
1. Somadeva An inhabitant of Bambhathala. He was the first to give alms to Titthayara Paunappaha.? 1. AvaN. 323.
1 2 . Sam. 157, AvaN. 327, AvaM. p. 227. 2. Somnadeva Son of Jaņņadatta(2) of Kosambi and brother of Somadatta(5).1
1. UttN, and Utts. p. 111, UttCu. p. 69. 3. Somadeva A Brāhmaṇa of Dasapura. He was husband of Ruddasoma and father of Rakkhiya(1) and Bhaggurakkhiya. He had taken initiation from his own son preceptor Rakkhiya and adopted nudism gradually.2 1. AvaCu. I. pp. 397, 401; Vis. 2787 2. AvaCu. p. 401, Uttn. and Utts. AvaN. 776, Aval. p. 296, UttN.
pp, 96ff; Uttk. p. 37. and Utts. p. 96, KalpDh. p. 172
Som idevakäiya (Somadevakāyika ) God under Logapāla Soma(1) of Sakka(3).
1. Bha. 165. 1. Sɔmappabha (Sɔmaprabha) King of Gayapura, son of Bāhubali and father of Sejjamsa(3),
1. AvaCu. I. p. 163, AvaM. p. 217, KalpDh. p. 153, KalpSam. p. 204, Kalps. p. 184.
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