Hatthimitta (Hastim tra) A merchant of Uljeni who took to asceticism along with his son Hatthibhuti. He forbore the trouble of hunger and died peacefully.'
1. Mar. 485, UttCu. pp. 53ff., UttN, and UttS. pp. 85 ff., Uttk. pp. 31 ff. Hatthimaha (Hastimükha) An Amtaradiva and its people.'
1. Praj. 36, Sth. 304, NanM. p. 103.
Hatthilijja (Hastiliya)
1. Kalp. p. 259.
Hatthivāla (Hastipāla) 1. Kalp. p. 123.
1. Vip. 33.
2. Jna. 117.
An off-shoot of Uddehagana(2).1
Hatthisisa (Hastiśīrsa) A city having the park of Pupphakaramdaa(1) situated to its north-east. It had a shrine dedicated to yakṣa Kayavapamalapiya. This city was ruled by Damadamta, Kapagakou(2).3 and Adinasattu(2). It was attacked, plundered and set on fire by the five Pandava brothers during the regin of Damadamta. It was inhabited by a number of sea-faring merchants. It was visited by Titthayara Mahavira. Prince Subahu(1) accepted here householder's vows from him.
3. Jna, 132.
4. Vip. 33.
5. AvaBh. 151, AvaCu. I. p. 492,
See Hatthipala,1
Hayamuha (Hayamukha)
It is the same as 1. Praj. 36.
Hatthuttara (Hastottară) Another name of the Uttaraphaggupi constellation. Five important events of Titthayara Mahavira's life are associated with this constellation.1
Jain Education International
1. Aca. 2. 175ff. AcaSi. p. 425, DasaCu. p. 64, KalpCu, p. 102, Kalp, & KalpV, pp. 11-13 ff.
AvaH. p. 365.
Hayakanna (Hayakarṇa) An Amtaradiva as well as an Aṇarlya people. 1. Praj. 36, Sth. 304, Jiv. 112, NanM. p. 103.
2. SutSi. p. 123.
An Amtaradiva' as well as an Aṇariya people.2
6. Jna. 132,
7. Vis. 1964, AvaN. 509, AvaCu. I p. 311, AvaM. p. 291. 8. Vip. 33.
Hayasattu (Hataśatru)
1. UttCu. p. 78, UttS. p. 121. Harakamta (Harakantā)
1. Jiv. 141.
King of Muggaselapura.1
2. SutSi. p. 123.
Same as Hari(6).1
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