Siddhasilā (Siddhasilā ) A sacred place for pilgrimage mentioned along with Ujjamta and Nāyasamda.' It should be the same as Siddhasila.
1. BrhBh. 3192.
Siddhasena (Siddhasena ) A learned preceptor who had his own views in regard to temporal relation between the apprehension (darśana) and comprehension (jnana) of the omniscient. He recognised them as identical, though the commentators are not very clear in this matter. They seem to have confused samultaniety with identity. He is reffered to in the cūrni and other commentaries. He had great respect for Mahāṇisiha. He was a disciple of preceptor Vrddhavādin and had impressed king Vikramāditya. He is also known as Siddhaseñadiyāyara.
1. See Sanmati-tarka-prakaraṇa, ch. 2. 3. AvaCu. I. p. 380, AvaM. pp. 7,12, 2. NanM. pp. 134-5, PrajM. p. 532,
Utts. p. 96, BrhKs. p. 753. BhaA. pp. 18, 62, NanH. p. 40, 4. Mahan. p. 70. KalpDh. p. 127, VisK. p. 35. 5. KalpSam. p. 239, Kalpl. p. 173.
Author of the
Siddhasena-Ksamāsamana (Siddhasena-Ksamāśramana ) bhäsya commentary of Ņisiha.?
1. See 'Nisitha ek adhyayana' pp. 29-45; Int. to NisCu. Vol. IV. by Dalsukh Malvania
NisCu. I. pp. 75, 102, II. p. 259, III. p. 234, IV. pp. 75, 121, AvaCu. II. p. 233,
DasCu. p. 16. Siddbaseņa-divāyara (Siddhasena-divākara) Idendical with Siddhaseņa.
1. Mahan. 70, BhaA. p. 62, PrajM. P, 532, KalpDh. p. 127.
Siddhā A goddess.
1. Ava. p. 19.
Siddhāyayaņa (Siddhāyatana) See Siddhāyayaņakāda.
1. Sth. 207, Jam. 91, 110. Siddhāyayaņakūda (Siddhāyatanakūta) A peak of each of the six Vásahara (except Meru ), thirtyfour Dihaveyaddha and twenty Vakkhāra mountains situated in Jambuddiva and presided over by Siddhāyayapadeva. • 1. Jam, 12, 75, 81, 84, 86, 91, 93-95, 101-102, 110-111, Sth. 590, 643, 689. Siddhāyayaņadeva (Sıddhāyatanadeva ) Presiding deity of Siddhāyayaņakūda.
1. Jam. 91. Siddhālaya One of the twelve names of Isipabbhārā.”
1. Sam. 12, Sth. 648. 1. Siddhi One of the twelve names of Isipabbhārā.
1. Sam. 12.
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