Savannavālugă (Suvarnavălukā) A river in Vācāla. It is also known as Suvannakülā(2). On its bank Mahavira's divine garment got entangled with thorns.1
1. AvaN. 467, Vis. 1921, AvaH. p. 195, AvaM. p. 272, AvaCu. I. p. 277.
1. Suvappa (Suvapra ) A district Vijaya(23) in the Mahāvideha region with its capital at Vejayamti(7).1
1. Jam. 102.
2. Suvappa A peak of mount Camda(5) situated in Mahāvideha.
1. Jam, 102,
Suvamma (Suvarman ) One of the hundred sons of Usaha(1).
1. KalpDh. p. 151, KalpV. p. 236. Suvāya (Suvāta) A celestial abode just like Vāya.
1. Sam, 5.
1. Suvāsava
1. Vip. 33.
Fourth chapter of the second section of Vivāgasuya,
2. Suvāsava Son of king Vāsavadatta and queen Kanhā(5) of Vijayapura. His wife was Bhaddá(12). In his former life he was king Dhanapala(2) of Kosambi and had offered alms to ascetic Vesamanabhadda. Rest is similar to Subāhu(1).1
1. Vip. 34.
Suvikkama (Suvikrama ) A General commanding the elephant-column of god Bhūyāṇamda(1) and other lords of the northern Bhavapavai gods.1
1. Sth. 404, 582.
Suvinabhāvanā (Svapnabhāvanā-)
See Sumiņabhāvanā.
Suvisāya (Suvisāta) A celestial abode of Pāṇata where the maximum longevity of gods is twenty sāgaropama ycars.
1. Sam. 20.
1. Suvih (Suvidhi) Another name of Pupphadamta, the ninth Titthamkara. 1. Sam. 75, 86, 100, 157; Ava p. 4, Kalp. 196, Tir. 322, Ava N. 1091, Avam. pp. 206,
208-214, 237-9, 241--3.
2. Susihi A physician of the city of Pabhamkarā. He was father of Kezava(2), previous birth of Titthayara Usaha(1).1
1. AvaCu. I. p. 179, AvaM. p. 226, KalpSam. p, 193. 106
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