palanquin.11 He had his first päraņā at the hands of Puņayvasu(2) in Ritthapura.12 After three months 13 he became omniscient at Bhaddilapura in the park of Sahasambavana14 under a pilamkha15 tree on the fourteenth day of the dark half of the month of Pausa.16 Āņamda(7) and Sulasā(3) were his principal male and female disciples.17 He attained emancipation on mount Sammeya18 at the age of one lakh pūrva19 years along with one thousand monks.20 There were under him eighty-three groups of monks, headed by a group-leader.21 He had an excellent community of one lakh and twenty thousand nuns.22 Titthayara Şuvihi died ten crores of sägaropama years before Sīyala.23 Siyala got emancipation at the age of 1 lakh pūrva years, 24 11. Sam. 157.
19. Ava N. 303. 12. AvaN. 320, 324, 328, Sam. 157.
20. AvaN. 311. 13. AvaM. p. 206.
21. Sam. 83. According to AvaN. 267 14. AvaN, 245, 254.
and Tir. (448) the number is eighty 15. Sam. 157, Tir. 406.
one. 16. AvaN. 245.
22. AvaN. 257, 261. 17. Sam. 157, Tir. 447, 459.
23. Kalp. 196. 18. AvaN. 307, AvaM. pp. 208-214
24. AVAN. 304.
Siyasoā (ģītasrotā) A river to the west of mount Mamdara and to the south of river Sioā. It forms boundary between the Pamhagāvai and Samkha districts of Mahāvideha. It is the same as Sihasoyā.3 1. Sth. 197.
3. Sth. 522. 2. Jam. 102.
Siyă (Sītā) See Sīā. 1. Utt, 11.28, Jna. 141, Pras. 16, Tir. 603, AvaN. 408, AvaCu. p. 187,
Ava. p. 28, Utts. p. 352.
iv. 154, 141
Siyoyā ( Šītodā)
1. Jna. 64.
Same as Sioā.
A Kșatriya mendicant.'
Silai ( Šīlajit)
1. Aup. 38.
1. Siha (Simha ) A disciple of Mahāvīra who felt highly distressed at the news of the Titthayara's bilious fever and procured medicines for him from Revai(1) of Memdhiyagama.
1. Bha. 557, SthA. p. 457.
2. Siha Pupil of ärya Dhamma(1) of Suvvaya(5) lineage and preceptor of ärya Dhamma(2) of Kāsava lineage,
1. Kalp and Ralpv. pp. 26-6,
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