Supakkhattā (Sunaksatră ) - Second night of a frotnight. 1
1. Jam. 152, Sur. 48.
Supaha (Sunakha) Sixth would-be Kulagara of the Bharaha(2) region, He is also called Suhuma. See Kulagara. 1. Tir. 10.4.
1 2 . Sam. 159, Sth. 556.
Son of king Paumaņăbha(3) of Avarakamkā(1).'
1. Suņābha (Sunābha)
1. Jna 123.
2. Suņābha One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1).
1. KalpDh. p. 152, KalpV. p. 236. Sutārayā (Sutārakā) A goddess.!.
1. Ava. p. 19. 1. Sutta (Sūtra) Whatever is preached by the Jinas, in the form of attha, i.' e import or sense, is strung together by the Ganadharas in the form of Suttal which is a systematic arrangement of the teachings in sections, chapters etc. It is named Sutta because it communicates the knowledge or pours out the sense i. e. meaning of the sacred teachings. Sutta denotes also aphorisms of teachings, or a thread which passes through or binds together the teachings of Jinase or it stands for sūkta in the sense that the teachings are to be construed as well-said words of Jina.? Sutta includes the teachings of Ganadharas. Sutta comprises of Amgapa vittha and Amgabāhira works. It generally means scriptures10 and its language is Addha maghahill Agama. Pavayana and Suya are also its other names. See also Agama, Pavayaņa and Suya. 1. Atthai bhāsai arahā suttam gam- 8. Brh Ks. p. 1379.
thaṁti ganaharā", AvaN. 92, Vis. 9. Utt: 28.23, Praj: 37, JitBh, 560; 1124, VyaBh. 4.101, DasCu. p. 6,
NisCu. I. p. II, AvaCu. 1. p. 337, AvaCu. I. p. 337, UttCu. p. 108.
Pak Y. p. 59. - 2. AvaCu. I. pp. 92-93.
10. Sth. 468.. Utt. 123,Utis. p. 56, 3. SutN. 3, Sutu. p. 6.
Uttcu. R. 158, NisBh. 2094. Mar. 4. Vis. 1375, Visk. p. 398, NanM. p.
537, BhaK. 8. 239, AnuH. p. 22, AnuHe. p. 38. 11. BrhKs. p. 1379, AvaN. (Dipika ) 5. Vis. 1002, 1004,}Utts. p. 18, Anute.
p. 70. . .p. 263, Stha. p. 6, AcaS.p.. 11.
12. AcaN. 281, Vis. 1373, AvaCu. I. p. 6. Cand. 83-84; Bhak. 87.
92, SutSi. p. 2. PakY. p. 59. 7. Visk. p. 398. 2. Sutta (Sūtra) One of the frie sections of Ditthivāya.?
1. Sam. 147, Nan. 57, Sth. 262. Suttakada (Sūtrakṣata) See Süyagada.'
1. SutN. 2, SutCu. p. 6.
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