Suddhabhūmi (Suddhabūmi) Same as Subbhabhūmi.? See also Lādha.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 296. Suddhodaņa ( Suddhodana) Father of Buddha(1).
1. AvaCu. I. p. 542, AvaH. p. 412. Suddhodaņasuta (Suddhodanasuta) Same as Buddha(1), the son of Suddhodana.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 542.
Sudhamma (Sudharman) See Suhamma.? 1. AvaN. 594, DasCu. p. 6, KalpCu. p. 104, Tir. 711, SutCu. pp. 31, 155, KalpDh.
p. 152.
Sudhamma (Sudharmā) See Suhamma.
1. Sam. 51, Jiv. 143, Sur. 97. 1. Supaittha ( Supratiștha) Thirteenth chapter of the Amtagadadasă.
1. Ant. 12.
sixth section
2. Supaittha A merchant of Săvatthi, who was initiated by Titthayara Mahāvīra. He attained salvation on mount Vipula.?
1. Ant. 14.
3. Supaittha A merchant of Săvattbi who entered the Order of Titthayara Pása(1). After death he was born as Sūra(1). In future he will get eman. cipation in Mahāvideha.1
1. Nir. 3.2, SthA. p. 512.
4. Supnittha Another name of the month Bhādrapada.!
1. Sur. 53, Jam. 152.
5. Supaittha A place situated in Eravaya(1), where twenty of that region attained salvation.
1. Tir. 352.
6. Supaittha A city in the Bharaha(2) region of Jambuddiva. King Mahasena(6) reigned there, whereas Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1) visited it. It is probably the same as Supaitthapura. 1. Vip. 30, SthA. p. 508
1 2. UttN. p. 380. Sāpaitthapura (Supratișthapura) 'A city where Miyāputta(2) was to be reborn as a merchant's son. River Gamgā flowed near it. (It is identified with modern Jhusi, opposite to Allahābad, across the Ganges. 1. Vip. 7.
2. GDA. p. 159.
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