Surappiya Girinagara was in it. Titthayara Aritthaņemi had made this country of Surattha sacred by his wandering. The five Paṁdava brothers had visited this country. It was conquered by king Sampai.? People travelled from this country to Ujjeni. Phalihamalla belonged to a village near Bharuaccha in Surattha. Preceptor Kālaga(1) first took to Surattha the ninety six lords meant for subjugating Gaddabhilla, the king of Ujjeni.10 Surattha originally comprised southern Kathiawār. Later it was identified with the whole of Kathiawar and the adjoining areas of Gujarat.11 4. JivM. p. 56.
8. AvaCu. II. p. 178. 5. Joa. 130.
9. AvaCu. III. pp. 152-53, Utts. p. 192. 6. Mar. 460.
10. NisCu. III. p. 59. 7. NisCu. II. p. 362.
11. SGAMI. p. 88. Suratthājaṇavaya (Surāṣtrajanapada) Same as Surattha.
1. Jaa. 117. Suradivāyaṇa (Suradvīpāyana) Identical with Suraggidivāyaṇa.
1. Ant. 9. Suradeva Same as Saradeva.1
1. Tir. 1111. 1. Saradevi A goddess residing on Suradevikuda(2).
1. Jam. 75. 2. Suradeyi A principal Disākumāri goddess residing on the Amoha(2) peak of the westean Ruyaga(1) mountain.
1. Jam, 114, Sth. 643, Tir. 157. 3. Suradevi A peak of mount Sihari.2
1. Jam. 111.
1. Suradevikada (Suradevīkūta)
1. Jam. 111.
See Suradevī(3)!
A peak of mount Cullahimavamta. Goddess Surādevi(1)
2. Suradevikūļa resides there?
1. Jam. 75.
2. Ibid.
1. Surappiya (Surapriya) A shrine dedicated to a yaksa of the same name. It was situated in Ņamdaņavaņa(2) which lay near the city of Bāravai and mount Revayaga. It was visited by Titthayara Aritthaņemi.? 1. Nir. 5.1, Ant. 1, Jna. 52, AvaCu. I. 2. Jna. 53.
p. 355. 2. Surappiya A yakşa whose shrine stood in a park situated to the north
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