3. Siha Disciple of preceptor Revaiņakkhatta. He was initiated at Ayalapura.
1. Nan. v. 32, NanM. p. 51, NanH. p. 13. 4. Siha Son of king Seņia and queen Dhărini(1) of Rāyagiha. He took initiation from Titthayara Mahāvira, observed asceticism for sixteen years and became a god in the Savvatthasiddha heavenly abode after death. In next birth he will be born in Mahāvideha and attain liberation there.1
1. Anut. 2. 5. Siha Son of a village-chief. He enjoyed coition with his maid-servant Viljumai(2) in night time when Titthayara Mahāvīra accompanied by Gosăla paid a visit to Kālāya(1) settlement. Gasāla who laughed at them, was beaten by him.1 1. AvaCu. I. p. 284, AvaN. 477, Vis, 1931, Aval. p. 277, KalpDh. p. 105, KalpV.
p. 164. 6. Sība Disciple of Samgama-thera.
1. NisCu. III. p. 408, PinNM. p. 125. 7. Siha One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1) 1
1. KalpDh. p. 152, KalpV. p. 236. 8. Siha Tenth chapter of the second section of Aņuttarovavāiyadasā.
1. Anut. 2. 9. Siha A celestial abode of Mahásukka(1) where the maximum longevity of gods is seventeen sāgarapama years.?
1. Sam. 17. 10, Siha Same as Sihasepa(5).
1. Tir. 477. Sihakarta (Simhakānta) A celestial abode of Mahāsukka(1) just like Siha(9).
1. Sam. 17. Sihagai (Simhagati ) Name of a Logapāla of each of Amiyagai and Amiyavāhapa, the two lords of the Disākamāra gods.1
1. Bha. 169, Sth. 256. 1. Sibagiri (Simhagiri) King of Chagalapura.?
1. Vip. 21.
2. Sihagiri King of the city of Sopāraga. He enjoyed wrestling-competitions. See also Attaņa.
1. Avan. 1274, AvaH. p. 665, Uttk. p. 121, AvaCu. II. p. 152. ..
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