3. Sia A peak of mount Malavamta(1).1
1. Sth. 689.
4. Sữa
Another name of Isipabbhārā.1
1. Dev. 279, Utt. 36.62.
5. Siã A principal Disäkumari residing on Camda(6) peak of the western Ruyaga(1) mountain.
1. Sth. 643, Jah. 114, Tir. 157.
6. Sia Mother of the fourth Vasudeva(1), Purisuttama.1
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 603.
7. Siä Wife of Rama(2). She was abducted by Ravaṇa, and hence became the cause of battle between Rama and Ravaṇa. rated as a virtuous lady.2
She is enume
1. PrasJ. p. 86, Pras. 16, AcaCu. p. 187, NisCu. I. p. 104.
2. Ava. p. 28.
Siamuhavana (Sitāmukhavana) A grove situated in Mahavideha on both the sides of river Sia(1). The southern grove lies to the south of river Sia, to the west of the eastern Lavana ocean, to the north of mount Nisaha and to the east of the Vaccha(6) territory. The northern one lies to the north of river Sia, to the west of the eastern Lavana ocean, to the east of the Pukkhalāvai district and to the south of mount Nilavamta.1
1. Jam. 95.
Sioa (Sitoda)
A peak of mount Malavamta(1).1
1. Jam. 91.
Sioaddiva (Sitodadvipa) An islet situated in Sioappavāyakumḍa.1
1. Jam. 84.
Sioappavǎyakumḍa (Śītodaprapatakunda) A pool which is formed by the fall of river Sioa descending from mount Nisaha. In its centre there is the Sioaddiva islet. River Sioa re-emerges from the northern side of the pool and flows towards Devakuru.1
1. Jam. 84.
Sioā (Šitodā) A river flowing in Mahavideha. It rises from the northern side of the Tigimchi pond situated on mount Nisaha. It then falls into Sioappavaya-kumda and reemerges from its northern side. Then it flows in Devakuru, Bhaddasalavaṇa(1), moves towards the west of mount Mamdara, passes through mount Vijjuppabha(1), divides Avaravideha(1) into two parts, proceeds through Jayamta(2) gate and empties into western Lavana ocean.1
Jain Education International
1. Jam. 84, 95, 96, Pras. 27, Jna. 64, Sam, 14, Jiv. 141, 154, Tir. 220, BhaA. pp. 654-655, Sth. 555,
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