1. Vitasoga (Vitašoka) One of the two presiding gods of the Aruna(4) islands.
1. Jiv. 185. 2. Vitasoga One of the eighty-eight Gahas.
1. Sur. 107, Sth. So, Jams. pp. 534-535, SurM. pp. 295–296, SthA. pp. 73-79. Vītasogā (Vitasoka) See Viyasogā.!
1. AvaCu. I. p. 134. Viti bhaya (Vītabhaya) See Viyabhaya.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 399, AvaCu. II. p. 164, NisCu. III. pp. 142, 145, Viti sogā (Vītaśokā ) See Viyasogā.
1. AvaCu. I, p. 176. Vītībhaya (Vītabhaya ) Same as Viyabhaya,?
1. Bha. 491. Viyakam ha (Vītakaśma) One of the seven branches of Vaccha(4) lineage."
1. Sth. 551.
Viyabhaya (Vitabhaya) Capital of Sindhusovira where king Udayapa(1) reigned.' Miyavana park was situated to its north-east. Titthayara Mahavira is said to have gone there and initiated Udayana. This city is also called Vidarbhakanagara. It is mentioned as a port, situated at a distance of eighty yojanas from Ujjeņi. It was destroyed by a god when Kesi(2) the then ruler of this city poisoned monk Udayana(1) to death.? It is identified with Bhera, a town on the bank of Jhelum in the Saharanpur district of Punjab. 1, Pra. 37, SutSi. p. 123, SthA. pp. 4. PrasA. p. 89, BhaA. p. 621,
431, 512, AvaH. p. 676, NisCu. 5. NisCu. III. p. 142. III. p. 142, AvaCu. I. p 399, II. p. 6. Ibid. p. 145. 164
7. AvaCu. II. p. 37, Aval. p. 538, 2. Bha. 491.
8. SB.V. p. 388, LAI. p. 302. 3. Ibid, NisCu. III. p. 523.
Viyarā gasua (Vitarăgaśruta) An Angabahira Ukkālia text, not extant now.
1. Nan. 44, NanCu, p. 58, NanH. p. 72, NanM, p. 205. Viyasoga (Vitasoka) See Vītasoga(2).
1. SurM. p. 295, SthA. p. 79. Vīyasogā (Vītaśokā) Capital of the Ņaliņāvai(1) district in Avara videba." Baladeva(2) Ayala(5), Vāsudeva(1) Bibhīsaņa? and king Mahabbala°(2) belonged to this place. There was a park of Irdakumbha.
1. Jam. 102, Jna. 64, AvaM. p. 225. 3. Jna. 64, SthA. p. 401. 2. AvaCu. I. p. 176.
4. Jna. 64.
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