Samiya (Samita) Maternal uncle of preceptor Vaira(2), disciple of Sihagiri(3) and founder of the Bambhadīviyā branch.? 1. AvaCu. I. p. 543, KalpV. p. 264,
I. p. 390, JitBh. 1463, PinN. 54. KalpDh. p. 171.
PinNM. pp. 31, 100, 142, 144, 2. Kalp. and KalpV. p. 262, AvaCu.
Utts. p. 333.
Samiyā (Samitā). One of the three councils of Camara, Bali, Dharana etc. the indrās of celestial regions.
1. Sth. 154. Samugghāya (Samudghāta ) Thirtysixth chapter of Paņņavanā.
1. Praj. v. 7.
Samuccheya (Samuccheda ) Doctrine of momentariness propounded by Niphaga Āsamitta.
1. Vis. 2800-2, Aup. 41, AupA. p. 106.
eta biedrs standing
he is not
Samutthāṇasua (Samutthānaśruta) An Amgabāhira Kālia text. It is permitted to be studied by a monk of thirteen years standing. It is not extant now. 1. Nan. 44, NanCu. p. 60, Pak. p. 68,
109, v. 111. 2. Vya (M). 10.28, VyaBh. XII. p.
Samuta One of the seven branches of Mamdava lineage.
1. Sth. 551.
1. Samudda (Samudra ) Disciple of Samdilla(1) and preceptor of Mamgu. He seems to be the same as Sägara(5). 1. Nan. v. 27, NanM. pp. 49-50,1 2 . Dr. U. P. Shah: Suvarnabhumi VyaBh. 6.239 ff., AvaCu. I. p. 585,
men Kälakācārya, Shri VijayavallaNisCu. II. p. 125, BrhM. p. 44,
bhasūri Smaraka Grantha, 1956. AcaSi. p. 262. 2. Samudda Preceptor of the eighth Baladeva(2) Pauma(6) and eighth Vasudeva(1) Nārāyaṇa(1) in their previous birth, See Puņavvasu(3) and Aparāiya(8).
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 606. 3. Samudda Son of Vanhi and his wife Dhāriņi(5) of Bāravai. He took initiation from Aritthaņemi, observed asceticism for twelve years and attained liberation on mount Settumja.
1. Ant. 2.
4. Samudda
Just like Samudda(3). But he practised ascetism for sixteen
1. Ant. 3.
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