S mdhusena
the region east ard west of the Lower Indus including Multan in the north.9
9. SGAMI, pp. 24, 105-107, See also GDA. p. 183.
Simdhuāvattanakoda (Sirdhvājartasakūta ) A peak of mount Cullahimayama. It is situated five turdied yojaras west of Pauraddha. River Simdhu(1) takes a turn here and then flows towards the the south.
1. Jam. 74.
Simdh ukurda (Sindhukurda) A fond situated in the northern half of the district of Kaccha(1), to the east of mount Māla va mra(1), to the west of Usahakuda and to the south of mount Nilavamta(1). River Simdhu(2) rises from its southern side.
1. Jam. 93-4.
Simdhudatta (Sindhudatta) Faiher of Vaparāi ard Sonā(3) ard fatherin-law of Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1).
1. UttN. p. 379.
Simdhudevi (Sindhudevi) Presiding deity of river Simdhu(1)1. She resides on Sindhudevīküda.? 1, AvaCu. I. pp. 189, 201, Avam. p. 1 2. Jam. 75.
230, AvaH. p. 150.
A peak of mount Cullahimavamta. It
Simdbudevikūda (Sindhudevikūta ) is the abode of Sindhudevi.'
1. Jam. 75.
An island situated in the centre of Sindhu
Simdhuddiva (Sindhudvipa) ppavāyakumda.
1. Jam. 74.
Sindhuppa vāyakumda (Sindhuprapātakunda ) A pond into which river Simdhu(1) falls. From there it emerges again and proceeds towards the Bharaha(2) region.
1. Jam. 74.
Simdhuvisaya (Sindhuvisaya) Same as Simdhu(3).
1. SutCu. p, 20, NisCu. II. p. 150.
Father of Vānira and father-in-law of Cakka
Simdhusena (Sindhusena ) vatti Bambhadatta(1).
1. UttN. p. 379.
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