Simdhu-sovira (Sindhusauvira) An Āriya country. Its capital was Viibhaya. King Udāyaṇa(1) reigned here. See Simdhu(3) for additional information. 1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, NisCu. I. p. 1 2. Bha. 491, Kalpv. p. 298, StbA. p. 133.
431, Prasa. p. 89. Simba vaddhana (Simbavardhana) A city where king Mümdivaga or Mundisbaga reig ned. It was visited by preceptor Pūsabhūti and his disciple Pusamitta(2). It may be identified with Multan in Punjab, which is known as Sambapura in the Purāņas.? 1 AvaN. 1312, AvaH. p. 722.
2. SGAMI. p. 44, GDA. p. 176.
Sirihala An Anāriyal country beyond river Simdhu(1) and its people. It
onquered by Susena(1), the General of Cakkavatti Bharaha(1), along with other countries like Babbaya, Javaņa etc. It is identified with the kingdom of Simhapura bordering on the Indus on its western side and on the northern side of the Salt Range.3 1. Praj. 37, PraS. 4.
p. 37. -- 2. Jam. 52, AvaCu. I. p. 191, Kalpv. 3. GDA. p. 186, SGAMI. p. 103.
Sim haladiva ( Simhaladvipa) Name of an island where merchants halted on their sea-voyage. It is identified with Ceylon.? 1. AcaCu. p. 224.
1 2. GDA. p. 185. Simhali A maid-servant from Simhala.
1. Ina. 17, Jam. 43, NisCu. II, p. 410, Bha. 380, Aup. 33. Sijjambhava ( Sayyambhava). See Sejjambhava.
1. Nan. v. 23, Kalp (Therāvali). 5, Ava. p. 27, DasH. p. 284, NanM, p. 49. Sijjamsa (Śreyāmsa) See Sejjamsa.
1. NanV. 18, Kalp. 216, Ava. p. 27, Sam. 157, AvaN. 420, 1092.
Sij jā (Sayya) Eleventh chapter of Āyāramga. It is the third chapter of the first sub-section of the second section.
1. AcaN. p. 319.
Sinapalli (Sinapalli) A small village where the city of Kumbhārapakkheva was established. It is identified with Adanapura in the northern part of Bikaner division in Rajasthan.? 1. AvaCu. II. pp. 34, 37.
2. SBM. p. 394.
See Sinapalli.1
Sipavalli (Sinapalli).
1. Aval. p. 538.
Siddha or Siddhaküda (Siddhaküta ) Same as Siddhāyayanakuda.
1. Jam. 93, 97, 111, Sth. 290, 590, 643, 689.
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