3. Sāgaradatta Son of merchant Asogadatta of Sāgeya and brother of Samuddadatta(3)
1. AvaCu. I. p. 527, AvaH. p. 394.
4. Sāgaradatta Previous birth of Bhadda(13), the third Baladeva(2) of the Bharaha(2) region in the current descending cycle. He took initiation from preceptor Sudamsana(4).
1. Sam. 158. In the Titthogāli ( 605 ) there is confusion in names.
5. Sāgaradatta A caravan-leader belonging to the city of Pädalasamda. He was the husband of Gamgadattă and father of Umbaradatta(1)
1. Vip 28, SthA. p. 508.
6. Sāgaradatta Father of Divasihā, wife of Supreme king Bambhadatta(1).'
1. UttN. p. 379.
Sāgaradattā A palanquin used for Dhamma(3) at the time of his initiation.
1. Sam. 157. Sāgarapaņņatti (Sāgaraprajñapti) See Kāliya."
1. NanM. p. 254. Sāgaraputta (Sāgaraputra) Son of merchant Sāgarapota of Ráyagiha.
1. AvaCu. II. p. 324.
Sāgarapota A merchant of Rāyagiha. He was the father of Sāgaraputta and Visā and father-in-law of Dāmannaga. He collapsed at the sad news of his son's death.
1. AvaCu. II. p. 324. Sãgarasena (Sagarasena) An ascetic who obtained omniscience in a park of Pumdarigiņi city.1
1. AvaCu. I. p. 179. Sãgeya (Säketa ) See Sãeya.1
1. Jna. 157, Ant. 14, UttN. and Utts. p. 305, AvaH. p. 701.
Sāna (śāna) A mendicant whom Gosāla contacted.
1. Bha. 539. Sāņulatthi ( Sānuyaśți) A village visited by Mahāvīra. He went there from Sãvatthi. Merchant Aşamda(13) and maid-servant Bahuliyā belonged to this place.
1. AvaN. 496, AvaCu. I. p. 300, AvaM. p. 288.
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