Sálisisa (Sālisirsa ) A village visited by Titthayara Mahāvira. He passed here sixth rainy seaso.1s. Gydess Kalapiyanā caused here afflictions to the Titthayara.1
1. AvaN. 487, AvaCu. I. p. 292, Vis. 1941, AvaM. p. 283, KalpV. p. 166.
1. Sälihipiya
1. Upa. 2.
Tenth chapter of Uvāsagadasă.?
2. Salihipiya A merchant belonging to Savatthi. He accepted householder's vows from fitta nyara Mıhāvira. Phagguņi was his wife. After death he was born as a god in the Arunakila celestial abode of the Sungmma(1) region. He will get emancipation in Māhā videha,
1. Upa. 56.
Säluya (Sāluka) Second chapter of the eleventh section of Viyāhapannatti!
1. Bha. 409, BhaA. p. 511. Sāvajjāyariya (Sāvadyācārya ) See Kuvalayappaha.?
1. Mahan. 134, Gac. v. p. 27.
Savatthiyā (Srāvastikā) One of the four branches of Vesavādiyagana.
1. Kalp. p. 260. Sävatthi (Srāvasti) Capital of the Ariya country Kuņāla(2)", not very far away from the city of Kayamgalā.? The Kotthaa(1) park: was situated. to its north-eastă near the park Temduga(1).* Sāvatthi was the capital of Cakkavatti Maghavā,,' king Jiyasattu(3), Paseņai(3)7 and Ruppi(3):8 Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1)9 had visited this city. Vāsudeva(1) Sayamhha in his previous life made a nidäna (resolve ) here.10 Titthayara Sambhava(1) broke his first fast in this town't accepting food from Surimdadatta(1).12 Titihayara Muņisuvvaya had visited this place and initiated prince Khamdaa(1).13 Princess Puramdarajasā was the sister of Khamdaa.14 Titthayara Pása(1) visited this place and initiated many women viz., Käļi(3), Paumā. (5), Sivā(4), Vasugutta(1) etc.15 Amgati also belonged to Sävatthi,16 1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, Raj. 146, 8. Jna, 71, SthA. p. 401. NisCu. II. p. 466, Jan. 71.
9. UttN. & Utts. p. 380 2. Bha. 90.
10. Sam. 158, Tir. 608. 3. Raj. 146, Nir. 3.1, Upa. 55, Ina, 150. 11. Avan. 323, AvaM. p. 227, Tir. 491. Bha. 539.
12. AvaN. 327. 4. AvaCu. I. p. 416, NisBh. 5597, Utt. 13. UttCu. p. 73, BrhBh, 3272-74 UttN. 23.4,8.
p. 114. 5. NisBh. 2590, AvaN. 397.
14. Ibid. 6. Ina. 150, Upa. 55, Raj. 146, Mar. 15. Jna. 148, 150, 157-158. 499, UttCu. p. 73, UttN. p. 114.
16. Nir. 3.1. 7. UtiCu. p. 169.
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