Satthitanta (Şașțitantra) A heretical work assigned to Kavila(3). It is included in the heretical scriptures. 1. Bha. 90, Aup. 38, AupA. p. 93. AcaSi. p. 145, Jna. 55, Anu. 41, Visk. pp. 128,
204, Nan. 42, AvaCu. I. pp. 228, 237, KalpV. p. 22, AvaM. pp. 49, 247, AvaH.
pp. 26, 171. Saddhai (Srāddhakin) A class of vānaprastha ascetics' offering oblation to the pitļs.? 1. Bha. 417, Nir. 3.3, Aup. 38.
2. BhaA. p. 519. 1 Sanamkumāra (Sanatkumāra) Third celestial region having twelve lakhs of abodes. The minimum and maximum longevity of the gods living - there is two and seven sāgaropama years respectively, 1. Jam. 118, Praj. 53, Sam. 52, Vis. 2. Sam. 2, 7, Sth. 113, Anu. 139, See 1809.
also Sth. 532 and Sam. 109.
2. Sanamkumāra Lord (indra) of the Sanamkumāra celestial region. He has under him sever.ty-two thousand sāmāniya gods etc. and twelve lakhs of celestial abodes. He plays the part of an arbitrator when there is any
pute between Sakka(3) and Isāņimda." He is mentioned to have paid homage to Titthayara Mahāvīra.3 1. Praj. 53, Bha. 404, 520, Vis. 1978, 3. AvaN. 520, 523, AvaCu. I. pp. 316, Jam. 118, BhaA. p. 603.
320, AvaM. p. 296. 2. Bha. 141.
3. Sanamkumāra Forth of the twelve (supreme kings ) Cakkavattis of the current descending cycle in the Bharaha(2) region. He lived before Titthayara Samti and after Dhamma(32 He was son of king Asasena(1) and his queen Sahadevi of Hatthiņāura. Jayā(2) was his chief wife. He was very handsome and hence was praised even by Sakka(3), the lord of the Sohamma(1) region. When he felt proud of his handsomeness, the next moment his body became ugly and he realised the futility of wordly prowess. Later on he suffered from a number of diseases and asceticism. After death he was born as a god in the Sanamkumāra celestial world. In future he will attain liberation in Mahävideha. 1. Sam. 158, Tir, 559, 666, Vis. 1762,1 Avam. pp. 239 ff., Avan. 401, 1769, Ava M. p. 237, AvaN. 374.
AvaCu. pp, 64, 93, 167, 178, AcaSi. 2. AvaN. 417, AvaCu. I. p. 215.
pp. 126, 143, 206, SutSi. p. 82, Sth. 3. Sam. 158, AvaN. 398-99.
235, SthA. pp. 273, 474, Utt. 18.37 4. Sam. 158.
UttCu. p. 50, Utts. pp. 78, 376, 5. Mar. 410, UttNe. pp. 237 ff., 1 582, UttK. pp. 320. ff. Sanamkumāravadimsaga (Sanatkumārāyatamsaka) A celestial abode where the maximum longevity of gods is seven sägaropama years. It is just like Sama.
1. Sam. 7.
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