Sagara Second of the twelve Cakkavatti. Bhaddä(24) was his wife. He was son of Sumitta vijaya and his wife Jasawai(4) of Aojjhā(2). His height was 450 dhanuşas. He was Titthayara Ajiya's contemporary. He took to asceticism at the age of seventy-one lakh pūrva years and attained emancipation after the lapse of one lakh pūrva years. His sons brought river Gamgā (on this land) to achieve fame.
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 559, Vis. 1762, 1769, 3. Sam. 107, AvaN. 392.
AvaN. 374, AvaCu. I. pp. 214-5, 4. AvaN. 417, AvaCu. 1. p. 215, Tir. AvaH. p. 169, Aval. p. 237, Utt.
465. 18.35.
5. Sam. 71, Avam. pp. 239 ff., AvaN. 2. AvaN. 397-9, Uttk. pp. 315 ff.
401. Sam. 158.
6. AvaCu. I. p. 227, UttNe. p. 234. Sagaräya (Šakarāja) See Saga(2).
1. VyaBh. XII. p. 94. Sacca (Satya) One of the thirty Muhuttas of a day and night. It is also mentioned as Bahusacca. 1. Sam. 30.
2. Jam. 152, Jams. p. 493, Sur. 47.
1 Saccai (Satyaki) Original name of Mahissara. He will be born as the twelfth Titthamkara Savvabhāvaviu in the coming ascending cycle in the Bharaha(2) region.? 1. AvaCu. II. p. 175, 274, AvaN. 1168.
AvaH. p. 686, NisBh. and NisCu. 2. Sam. 159, Sth. 692. III. p. 236, DasCu. p. 103. AcaSi.
pp. 146, 154. 2 Saccai Siyala's contemporary Titthamkara in the Eravaya(1) region, According to Samaväya his name is Sivasena.? 1. Tir. 323.
i 2. Sam. 159.
Saccaga (Satyaka) One of the four Jāyava princes who had to pass a night in a forest.
1. UttCu. p. 75, Utts. p. 118.
Ninth chapter of the fourth section of Anta
1 Saccanemi (Satyanemi) gadadasā.1
1. Ant. 8.
2 Saccaņemi Son of king Samuddavijaya(1) and his queen Sivā(2) of Bāravai and younger brother of Aritthaņemi. He renounced the world, practised asceticism for sixteen years and attained salvation on mount Settumja.
1. Ant. 8, UttN. p. 496.
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