Vedapi (Vedana ) Thirty-fifth chapter of Papnavanā.
1. Praj, v. 7, Bha. 398.
Twenty-sixth chapter of Pannavaņā.' See
Vedabamdhaa (Vedabandhaka ) also Bamdha.
1. Praj. v. 6.
Wife of Pajjunna(1) and mother of Anirudha(2).
Vedabbhi (Vaidarbhi)
1. Ant. %.
Vedarahassa ( Vedarahasya ) A work op ayurveda,
1. NisCu. III, p. 527. Vedisa (Vaidića) See Vaidisa.?
1. Anu. 130. Vedebi (Vaidehin) See Vaidehi.!
1. Utt. 9.61, 18.45.
Vebhāra (Vaibhåra ) A hill to the north-east of Rāyagiha.1 Lapidary Namda(11) financed the construction of Namda(11), a pond lying in the vicinity of this hill. The Mahātavovatira spring is also situated here. Dhanna(2) and Sallbhadda(1) performed sallekhanā (fast unto death in the faat of this hill. It is one of the five hills of Rajgir, 5 1. Ina, 13, 15, 93, Bha. 160,
4. Mar. 444. 2. Jna. 93.
5. LAI. p. 353. 3. Bha. 113.
Vebbhāragiri (Vaibhāragiri) Same as Vebhära.
1. Ina. 13, SutCu. p. 232, Mar, 444. Vemāplya (Vaimānika) One of the four classes of gods. They are of two varieties Kappovaga and Kappaiya. 1. Bha. 115, 473, Anu. 114, Jiv. 42,1 2. Anu. 122. Praj. 38,
Sth. 257, AvaH. p. 125. Veya (Veda ) Collective name of Riuvveya, Jauvveya, Sāmaveya and Athavvanaveya. Mendicants (parivrājakas) are said to be conversant with them.1
1. Jna. 55, Aup. 38.
1. Veyaddha ( Vaitādhya ) A type of mountains. They are of two kinds : round (Vatta-Veyaddha ) and huge (Diha-Veyaddha ). There are four Vatta-Veyaddha mountains in Jambuddiva. They are Saddāvai(1), Viyadāvai, Gandhāvai and Mälava tapariyāya. They are ten hundred 1. Sth. 87, 302, Jiv. 141, Bha. 269,
BhaA. p. 436.
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