Sambhiņņasota (Sambhinnasrota) Minister of king Mahabbala of the Gandhasamiddha city. He was an agnostic.?
1. AvaCu. I. pp, 165-6, Aval. pp. 158, 219 ff.
Samhbhua (Sambhūta) See Sambhūya(2)".
1, Utt. 13.2, UttN. p. 374, AvaCu. I. p. 231.
Same as Sari
Sambhai (Sambhūti) or Sambha ivijaya (Sambhūtivijaya) bhūya(4).
1, Kalp. (Therávali). 6, 7,
Sambhuta or Sambhata vijaya See Sambhaya(1),1
1, Tir. 606, 713, AvaCu. I. p. 231, II. p. 185.
Sambhūti or Sambhativijaya Same as Sambhūya(1)."
1. KalpV. pp. 43, 251, Vip. 34.
'1 Sambhuya (Sambhūta) A preceptor who had initiated Vissabhai.? 1. AcaCu. I. p. 231, Vis. 1812, Sam. 158, Tir. 606, AvyM. p. 249, KalpDh. p. 38,
KalpV. p. 43. 2 Sambhaya Son of Bhayadiņpa 2) a Cāņdāla of Vāpārasi. He was brother of Citta(1) and previous birth of Cakkavatti Bambhadatta. He had made a resolve (nidāna) at Hatthiņāura to become a Cakkavatti in his next life." 1, Utt. 13.2. ff., UttCu. p. 214, UttN. and Utts, pp. 374 ff., Uttk. p. 254, UttNe.
pp. 185-7.
3 Sathbhūya An ascetic to whom king Mitta(5) of the city of Mapivaya had offered alms.
1. Vip. 34. 4 SambhQya One of the two principle disciples of preceptor Jasabhadda(2), Sambhūya belonged to the Mädhara gotra. He had twelve chief disciples : 1. Namdanabhadda, 2. Uvaņamda(1), 3. Tisabhadda, 4. Jasabhadda(4), 5. Samipabhadda, 6. Mapibhadda, 7. Pangabhadda(3), 8. Uljumai, 9. Jamba(3), 10. Dihabhadda, 11. Pamdubhadda and 12. Thalabhadda. His seven principal women disciples were Thūlabhadda's seven sisters. He is also known as Sambhai or Sambhūivijaya. 1. Kalp. ( Therāvali). 6-7, Kalpv. pp. 251-2, 256, KalpDh. p. 163, Nan. v. 24.
AvaCu. II. p. 185, NisCu. II. p. 360, Tir. 713, AvaH. p. 695, NanM. p. 49,
Sambhůyavijaya (Sambhūtavijaya)
1. Aval. p. 695.
See Sambhūya(4),"
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