Samtharaga (Samstaraka) the death befitting a sage.
1. Sams. 1 ff.
A canonical text dealing with rules pertaining to It consists of 123 verses. See also Paippaga.
2. Ibid. 123.
Samdibbha Same as Samdilla(5)1.
1. Sutsi. p. 123. Sampai (Samprati) Son of Kuņāla(1), grandson of Asoga(1) and great grandson of Cardagutta. He was the mightiest of all of them. He reigned at Ujjeni and conquered Surattha, Amdha, Damila, etc., that is, the whole of Dakkhiņāvaha, beginning from there. He made Amdha, Damila, Kudakka, Marahatta, etc. suitable for the tour of ascetics and got constructed temples at many a place. He was a lay-votary of preceptor Suhatthi(1)'. In his previous life Sampai was a poor man and had become a disciple of the same preceptor.5 1. NisCu. IV. pp. 128-131, NisBh. 1 3 . NisCu. II. pp. 361-2, BrhRh. 3283.-- 5745ff., Brh M. pp. 88-9, BrhKs.
9, BrhKs. p. 915, Kalps. p. 196. pp. 917-9, KalpDh. p. 165, Kalps. 4. NisCu. II pp. 361-2, BrhBh. 3283 p. 196, KalpV. pp. 253 ff.
ff BrhKs. p. 918. 2. NisCu. IV. pp. 129 ff., BrhKs. p. 5. NisCu. IV. p. 128.
917. Sampakkhala (Sampraksāla) A class of Vānaprastha ascetics' who used to rub clay on their body to clean it.?
1. Bha. 417, Nir. 3.3, Aup. 38. I 2. BhaA. p. 519. Sampaliya (Sampalita) One of the two disciples of praceptor Kālaga(4), He was the teacher of preceptor Vuddha.
1. Kalp. and KalpV. p. 265.
Sampula A chamberlain of king Dadhivāhaņa of Campā.
1. AvaN. 521, Avalu. I. p. 319, AvaM. p. 296.
Seventh chapter
of the fourth section of Amta
1. Samba (Samba) gadadasā.
1. Ant. 8.
2. Samba Son of Vasudeva(1) Kapha(1) and his queen Bāravai. He was the chief among the sixty-thousand heroes under Kanha.His wives Müladattā(2) and Malasiri(2) were initiated by Titthayara Aritthapemi. Sāgaracamda abducted and married Kamalamelã with the help of Samba." He became the cause of the destruction of the Vaphi lineage. Rest is similar to Jāli(2), 1. Ant. 8, Ava. p. 27, AvaM. p. 137, 1 3. Ant. 11. NisCu. I. p. 10, BrhM. p. 57.
4. AvaCu. I. p. 113, AvaN. 134, Vis. 2. Ant. 1, Jna. 52, 117, Nir 5.1,
1420, BrhM. p. 56 on BrhBh. 172. AvaCu. I. p. 356.
5. AcaCu. p. 112, UttNe, p. 38.
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