current discending cycle in the Bharaha(2) region. His contemporary Titthamkara in the Eravaya(1) region was Dihasena(4),3 He was Meharaba(1) in his previous birth. Vissasena(1) and his queen Airă of Gayapura (Hatthiņāura ) were his parents. Vijayā(4) was his chief wife. His height was fourty dhanusas. At the age of fourty thousands years, he became Cakkavatti. His complexion was of the heated gold. At the age of seventyfive thousand years, he adopted ascetism alongwith one thousand men, On that occasion he used Nägadattā(1) palanquin. He received first alms from Sumitta(2).10 After one year he obtained omniscience in the Sahasamba park at Hatthināura. Ņamdi was his sacred tree. After living a life of one lakh years (25 thousands as a prince, 25 thousand as governor, 25 thousand as a Cakkavatti and the rest as an omniscient ) he attained salvation on mount Sammeya accompanied by nine hundred monks.13 He had an excellent community of sixty-two thousand monks with Cakkāha at their head, sixty-one thousand and six hundred nuns with Sui at their head, and nine thousand and three hundred preceptors possessing knowledge of fourteen Puvva texts." The monks were divided into ninety groups each being in charge of one group-leader.16 Titthayara Samti's birth took place after three sägaropama less three fourth of a palyopama years after that of Titthayara Dhamma.17 3. Tir. 329.
14. Avan, 258, 260 262, AvaM. 208 ff. 4. Sam. 157.
Sam. 157, Tır. 451, 460. According 5. Sam. 158, AvaN. 383 ff. 398-99, to Samavāya, the number of nuns Tir. 479, Ava M. pp. 237 ff.
is eighty-nine thousand. See Sam. 6. Sam. 158.
89. 7. Sam. 40, AvaN. 392, 379, Tir. 363. 15. Sam. 93. 8. Ava M. pp. 206 ff.
16. Ibid. 90. According to AvaN. (268) 9. AvaN. 377, Tir. 342.
and Tir. 450, this numer is 36 and 10. Sam. 75, 157, AvaN. 225, 231, 328,
40 respectively. According to Avan. Tir. 392.
the number is thirty-six. See Avan. 11. AvaN. 254, 304, Sam. 157, AvaM. p. 206.
17. Sth. 228, AvaBh. 13 (p. 82). 12. Sam. 157, Tir. 406. 13. AvaM. pp. 208-214, AvaN. 272-304,
307, 309, Kalp. 157.
him. He belonged w
Samtisenia (Santiśrenika) One of the two disciples of preceptor Dinna (4). The Uccanãgari monastic branch originated from him. He belonged to the Mādhara gotra. He had four disciples : Seniya(3), Tāvasa(1), Kubera (1) and Isipalia(1),
1. Kalp. and Kalpy. p. 261.
Samtuka A country similar to Kālikeya.' Malayagiri mentions it as Sambukka(1). 1. AvaCu. I. p. 162.
2. AvaM. p. 215.
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