1, Rohiņi Seventh chapter of the first section of Nāyādhammakahā.?
1. Jna. 5, Sam. 19, JnaA. p. 10. 2. Robini Previous birth of the fifteenth would-be Titthamkara Nippula in the Bharaha(2) region.1
1. Sam. 159. 3. Rohiņi An old prostitute of the town of Rohidaga. See Dhammarui(4) along with its footnote.
1. AvaCu. II. p. 211, AvaN. 1313, AvaH. p. 723. 4. Rohiņi Wife of Vāsudeval and mother of Baladeva(1). She was daughter of king Rudhira of Aristapura and sister of prince Hiranyanābha.
1. Utt. 22.2, Pras. 16, Uttk. p. 62. 3. Prasa. p. 90. 2. Sam. 158, Tir. 604, Pras. 15, Prasj.
p. 89.
5. Rohiņi Name of a principal wife of each of the four Logapālas of Sakka(3).
1. Sth. 273.
6. Rohini One of the eight principal wives of Sakka(3). In her previous birth she was a daughter of a merchant of Kampillapura. She renounced the world and entered Pāsa's(1) Order.2 1. Bha. 406, Sth. 612.
2. Jha. 157.
7. Rohiņi Fifth chapter of the ninth sub-section of the second section of Nāyādhammakahā.
1. Jna. 157.
8. Rohini One of the four principal wives of Sappurisa. In her previous birth she was a daughter of a merchant of Nägapura.? The same is the name of principal wife of Mahāpurisa. 1. Bha. 406, Sth. 273.
3. Bha. 406, Sth. 273. 2. Jna. 153. 9. Rohiņi Twenty-first chapter of the fifth sub-section of the second section of Nāyādhammakabā.1
1. Ina. 153. 10. Rohiņi One of the twenty eight Nakkhattas(1). Its presiding god is Payāvai(2). Its family-name is Goyama(6).1
1. Jam. 155, 161, AvaH. p. 634, Sur. 36, 38, Sam. 5.
11. Rohini A goddess.1
1. Ava. p. 18.
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