12. Vijaya Second would-be Baladeva(2) in the Bharaha(2) region..?
1. Sam. 159.
13. Vijaya Aking who was Titthayara Munisuvvaya's(1) contemporary!
1. Tir. 483. 14. Vijaya A robber belonging to Rāyagiha. See Dhappa(10) for further information.
1. Jna. 33. 15. Vijaya A chieftain of thieves residing in Sihaguhā to the south of Rāyagiha.
1. Ina. 137.
16. Vijaya A chieftain of thieves dwelling in Sālā. He was husband of Kharadasiri and father of Abhaggasena(2). 1. Vip. 15.
2. Ibid. 16. 17, Vijaya A monk who travelled from Bharuyaccha to Uljeni,
1. AvaCu. II. p. 209, AvaN. 1311.
18. Vijaya A god presiding over the Vijaya(19) gate of Jambuddiva. His capital is known as Vijaya(9), Gods of this name preside over similar gates of other islands.1
1. Jiv. 134, 135, Sth. 303, 305,
19. Vijaya One of the four gates of Jambuddiva." It is situated over river Siya and to the east of mount Meru at a distarce of fortyfive thou. sand yojanas. It measures eight yojanas in height, four in thickness and four in breathe. It is presided over by god Vijaya(18).* There are similar gates in the succeeding concentric oceans and continents." 1. Jam. 7, Jiv. 128.
4. Sth. 303, Jiv, 134. 2. Jam. 8, Jiv. 129.
5. Jiv. 154, 174, 176, 180, Sth. 305, 3. Ibid.
20. Vijaya A peak of the northern Ruyaga(1) mountain.
1. Sth. 643.
21. Vijaya First Aputtara celestial abode. The minimum and the maximum longevity of the gods of the same name residirg there is thirtyore and thirtythree sägaropama years respectively.
1. Anu. 139, Vis. 723, 728, 3294, Praj. 38.
22. Vijaya Same as Vjayamitta(1),
1. Vip. 32.
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