2. Viulavāhana Second would-be Kulagara of the Eravaya(1) region, See Kulagara.
1. Tir. 1006. 1. Vimjha (Vindhya) See Vimjhagiri,?
1. Nir. 3.4. 2. Vimjha. Disciple of preceptor Rakkhiya(1). 1. AvaBh. 142, AvaCu. I. p. 410, Uttk. p. 112, Stha. p. 413, Aval. p. 308, 311,
321, 322, SutCu. p. 5.
Vimjhagiri (Vindhyagiri) A mountain situated in the Bharaha(2) region of Jambuddīva. It is identified with the Vindhya range.”
1. Bha. 114, 528, 559-560, Nir. 3.4. 1 2. GDA. P. 37. Vimjhādavi (Vindhyātavi) A forest situated in the Bharaha(2) region of Jambuddiva. It was infested with wild beasts. Monk Muņicamda(2) lost his way in this forest. The forest is identified with the portions of Khandesh and Aurangabad, which lie in the south of the western extremity of the Vindhya range including Nasik.
1. UttCu. p. 213, Utts. p. 375 l 2. GDA. p. 38.
Vikkamta (Vikrānta) One of the hundred sons of Usabha(1),
1. KalpDh. p. 151, KalpV. p. 236. Vigatasoga (Vigataśoka) See Vitasoga(2).
1. Sth. 90. Vigayabhayā (Vigatabhayā) Nun-teacher of Vinayavai.
1. AvaN. 1281, AvaH. p. 699. Vicitta (Vicitra) Name of a Logapāla of each of Venudeva and Venudäli, two lords of the Suvannakumāra gods.1
1. Bha. 169, Sth. 256. Vicittakada A mountain in Devakuru. It is situated on one side of river Sioä and Cittaküda on the other side. It is one thousand yojanas high.1 It is an abode of Jambhaga gods.? 1. Sam. 113, SamA. p. 105. BhaA. p. 2, Bha. 533.
Vicittapakkha (Vicitrapaksa) Name of a Logapāla of each of Venudāli and Venudeva.
1. Sth. 256, Bha. 169. Vicittapavvaya (Vicitraparvata ) Same as Vicittakūļa.
1. Bha. 533,
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