Logapālas guards the four quarters. For instance Soma(1), Varuna(1), Jama(2) and Vesamana(9) are the gurdian deities of Eastern, Western. Southern and Northern quarters respectively.2
3. Bha. 417-418, BhaA. p. 520, UpaA. p. 27. Logappabha ( Lokaprabha) A celestial abode similar to Loga(2).
1. Sam. 13. Logabimdusāra (Lokabindusāra) See Lokabimdusära.1
1. Sam. 25, NanCu. p. 76. Logamajjba (Lokamadhya) Another name of mount Mańdara(3).1
1. Sam 16, Jan. 109. Logarāva (Lokarūpa) A celestial abode just like Loga(2).
1. Sam. 13. Logalesa (Lokalesya) A celestial abode just like Loga(2)."
1. Sam. 13. Logavaņņa (Lokavarna ) A celestial abode just like Loga(2).
1. Sam. 13. Logavijaya (Lokavijaya) Second chapter of the first section of Āyāramga." It is divided into six sub-chapters.? 1. AcaN. 31, Sam. 9, Sth. 662, NisCu. 1 2. AcaN. 163.
IV. p. 252.
Logasära (Lokasāra) Fifth chapter of the first section of Ayāramga. It is devided into six sub-chapters. In Samayāya, this chapter is known by the name of Āvamti3 1. AcaN. 31.
3. Sam. 9. 2. Ibid. 236. Logasimga (Lokaśộnga) A heavenly abode exactly like Loga(2).
1. Sam. 13. Logasiţtha ( Lokasęsta) A heavenly abode just like Loga(2).1
1. Sam. 13. Logahiya (Lokahita) A celestial abode in Sohamma(1) where gods live for a maximum period of one Sāgaropama years, breathe once in a fortnight and feel hungry once in one thousand years,
1. Sam. 1. Logāita or Logāyata or Logãyaya (Lokāyata ) A heretical scripture.
1. Nan. 42, Anu. 41, SutSi. pp. 15, 215-6, SutCu. pp. 256, 266.
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