2. Várattaga A merchant of Rāyagiha. He took initiation from Tittha. yara Mahāvira and attained emancipation on mount Vipula.!
1. Ant. 14. 3. Várattaga Minister of king Abhaggasena(1) of Vārattapura. He was initiated by preceptor Dhammaghosa(3). Later his son engraved his image and installed it in a temple. 1. AvaCu. II. p. 199, NisBh, 5890, BrhBh. 4066, PinNM. pp. 169-70, BrhKs. p. 586,
AvaH. pp. 711-2, Vārattagapura (Vārattakapura) See Värattapura,
1. BrhKs. p. 1110. Várattapura (Vārattapura) A town? where king Abhayasena reigned. Vårattaga(3) was his minister.3 1. AvaN. 1298, BrhKs. p. 1110, NisCu. 2. AvaCu. II. p. 199 reads as AbhagIV. 158, PinNM. p. 169, AvaH. p.
gasena. 711.
I 3. AvaCu. II. pp. 197-199. Vārattaya (Várattaka) A non-Jaina sage in Pâna's(1) tirtha, recognised as a Patteyabuddha.?
1. Risi 27, Risi (Sangrahaņi )
Vārānasi See Vānārasi,
1. AvaN. 1302.
Vårāha Previous birth of Anamda(1), the sixth Baladeva(2) of the Bharaha(2) region. His preceptor was Gamgadatta(1).
1. Sam. 158, Tir. 606. 1. Värisena (Vārișeņa) Fifth chapter of the first section of Aputtarova. väiyadasa.
1. Aaut. 1.
2. Vārisena Son of king Senia(1) and his queen Dhåriņi(1) of Rayagiha, He took initiation from Mahavira, observed asceticism for sixteen years and became a god in the Savvatthasiddha celestial abode after death. He will attain liberation in Mahāvideha.1
1. Anut. 1.
Fifth chapter of the, fourth section of Aộtagaçadasă.
3. Väriseņa
1. Ant. 8.
4. Vārisena Son of king Vasudeva and his queen Dharini(4). He was initiated by Aritthaņemi. Rest is similar to Jāli(2).
1. Ant. 8.
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