2. Lohajamgha Second Padisattu of the coming ascending cycle in the Bharaha(2) region. He is also known as Jamghaloha.? 1. Sam. 159.
2. Tir. 1146.
Lohajja ( Lohārya) A disciple of Mahāvīra who used to procure food for the latter after the latter's omniscience.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 271, VyaBh. 6.225, Vyam. on VyaBh. 6.225, AvaM. p. 268.
Lohiamka (Lohitānka) One of the eighty-eight Gahas. 1. Sur. 107, Jam. 170, Sth. 90, Jams. pp. 534-535, Sth.A. pp. 78-79, SurM. pp. 293
296. 1. Lohicca (Lauhitya) Disciple of preceptor Bhūyadiņņa.
1. 1. Nan. v. 40, NanCu. p. 11, NanM. p. 53.
2. Lohicca Same as Lohiya.
1. Sth. 551.
Lohiccāyaṇa (Lauhityāyana ) Family-name of the Addā constellation.
1. Sur. 50, Jam. 159. Lohitamka (Lohitāńka) See Lohiamka.”
1. Sur. 107. Lohitakkha (Lohitākṣa) See Lohiyakkha'(5).
1. Sth. 90. Lohiya ( Lohita) One of the seven branches of Kosiya(5) lineage.
1. Sth. 551. Lohiyamka ( Lohitāṇka ) I Same as Lohiamka.?
1. SurM. p. 295. 1. Lohiyakkha ( Lohitākṣa) Fourth part of the kharakāņda of Rayaņappabhā(2).1
1. Sth. 778, SthA. p. 525. 2. Lohiyakkha A summit of the Gamdhamāyaṇa mountain in Jambūdīva.
1. Sth. 590, Jam. 86.
Commander of the column of bisons under Lord
3. Lohiyakkha Camara(1).
1. Sth. 404
4. Lohiyakkha A member of the family of Logapāla Soma(1).1 It is the same as planet Lohiamka.
1. Bha. 165.
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