Samę as Varopavara.
Vaupadiya (Varupadvipa)
1. Jjx. 166.
Varuņadevakaiya (Varunade vakāyika) A group of gods under Varuna(1), a Lygapāla of Sakka(3).
1. Bha. 167. Varupadeva Motier of M ajja(1) the tenth principal disoiplo of Mahāvīra.
1. AyaN. 649, Vis. 2510. Varuņappa bha (Varunaprabha) One of the two gods presiding over the Varunavara contineat.
1. Jiv. 180.
Varunappabhasela (Varunaprabhasaila ) A mountain situated in the inte. Fior of the huge Kumdalavara(3) concentric mountain. It is the abode of Logapāla Varuna(1) af Sakka(3),
1. BhaA. pp. 203-204.
Varuna vara A concentric continent surrounding the Pukkhara vara ocean and encircled by the Varunoda ocean. Varupavara is presided over by two gods : Varuna(6) and Varunappabha. 1. Sur. 101, Jiv. 180, AnuH. p. 90.
2. Jiv. 180, also 166.
Varapoda An ocean encircling Varunavara continent and surrounded by the Khira vara(1) continent. Its water is winelike in taste. The ocean is presided over by two gods, namely, Vāruņi(4) and Vārupikamta.3
1. Sur. 101, Jiy. 180, AnuH. p. 90. 1 3. Jiy. 180. 2. Jiv. 180, See also 166.
1, Varupovavaya (Varunopapāta) An Angabahira Kália text. It was permitted to be taught to a monk of twelve years standing. It is pot extant now.
1. Nạn. 44, Pak. p. 43, NanH. p. 73. | Vya (M). 10.27.
2. Varuņovaväya Seventh chapter of Samkheviyadesā.? It seems to be identical with Varuņovavāya(1).
1. Sth. 753.
Valayamuha (Vadavāmukha) One of the four Mahápāyālakalasas situated in the Lavana ocean. God Kāla(11) presides over it.'
1. Jiv. 156, Sth. 305, Sam. 52, 79.
Vallahipura (Valabhipura )
A town where the canon was put to writing
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