Vāubhakkhi (Vāyubhaksin )
Same as Vāyabhakkhi.1
1. Aup. 38.
Vāubhūi (Vāyubhūti) Third Gans hara (principal disc ple) of Mahāvīra.1 He was son of Vasubhūi(1) and brother of Imdabhūi and Aggibhái(1). He believed in the absolute identity of soul and body.3 Mahāvīra removed his wrong belief. He, along with his five hundred pupils, became Mahavira's disciple. After living a life of seventy years he attained liberation in the presence of Mahāvīra.5 1. Vis. 2012, 2435, Nan. v. 20, Bha. 4. KalpV. p. 184, Visk, pp. 514-5, 128.132.
Kalp (Therāvali). 3. 2, AvaN. 644-659.
5. AvaN, 656. 3. KalpV. p. 179, KalpDh. p. 115.
Vāuvasi (Vāyuvāsin ) A class of Vānaprastha ascetics living in airy places. This name is not found in Nirayāvaliya.? Commentator Abhayabeva also does not refer to it.3
3. BhaA, pp. 519-520.
1. Bha. 417. 2. Nir. 3.3.
Perhaps another reading for Väuyäsi.
1. Aup. 38.
Vāgalacïri (Valkalacirin)
See Vakkalaciri.
1. Risi. 6.
Vācāla or Vācälä Two settlements of this name, viz., Dakkhinäväcāla and Uttaravācāla. They were separated by two rivers, viz. Ruppakülā(3) and Suvannakülā(2). Mahăvīra had visited both these places.1
1. AvaCu.l. p. 277, Ava M. p. 272. KalpV. pp. 158, 163.
Vānamamtara (Vānavyantara) One of the four classes of gods. They are under Vesamana(9) and dwell in the Rayaņa(4) Kānda of one thousand vojanas of the Rayanappabhā(2) infernal region, leaving one hundred yajanas of the upper-most as well as the lower-most portion of the Kānda. They also live in mountain-caves, forests, trees, unoccupied places etc. in this human world. They enjoy a maximum life of one palyopama years and a minimum life of ten thousand years. Their height is seven ratnis. They are of eight sub-classes : (1) Pisāya, (2) Bhūya(), (3) Jakkha. (4) Rakkhasa(1), (5) Kinnara (2), (6) Kimpurisa, (7) Mahoraya and (8) Gamdhayva(1). Ana vanniya, (2) Panavanniya, (3) Isivaya, (4) Bhūyaväiya, (5) Kamdiva. (6) Mahākamdiya, (7) Kuhamda and (8) Payamga are also eight type3
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