eager to take to asceticism. He was, however, finally initiated by preceptor Sihagiri at the age of eight years. He was sent to Ujjeņi to study Ditthivaya under preceptor Bhaddagutta. There he studied this text (only ten Puvvas) and came back to his preceptor. After the death of Sihagiri he became the head of the group. He travelled from place to place and visited Pāḍaliputta, Uttaravaha, Puriya, Mahesarī, Ābhira(1), Dakkhiṇāvaha etc. His life is associated with many a supernatural incident. He had three principal disciples: Vairasena(3), Pauma(12) and Raha. He was succeeded by Vairasena. He breathed his last on mount Rahavatta.* He was the last knower of ten Puvvas.5
The author of Avassayaṇijjutti has remembered preceptor Vaira with reverence." Till the time of Vaira the four anuyogas were inseparate. was preceptor Rakkhiya(1) who separated them.7 Vaira is said to have included the pancamangalas in the original scriptural texts after rejuvenating the niryukti, bhāṣya and cūrṇi commentaries. Rakkhia had studied somewhat more than nine Puvvas under Vaira.9
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 381-406, 543, AvaN. 765 ., 944, 1138, Vis. 2774-2781, NisCu. III, P. 425, OghN. 456, NisBh. 32, AcaCu. p 247, DasCu. pp 2,97, Nan M. 167, KalpV. pp. 262 ff., BhaR. pp. 586, 654,
2. Kalp. and KalpV. p. 263.
3. Ibid. 254-5 KalpS p. 204.
3. Vaira (Vajra) Second part of the first infernal region. It extends to one
1. Sth. 778.
2. Vairakūḍa
1. Jam. 104.
4. Vaira (Vajra) A peak situated in Namdaṇavana(1).1 haya(2) resides there.2
1. Sth. 689.
4. AvaCu. 1. p. 405, Mar. 468-473 AcaSi. p. 419.
Jain Education International
5. AvaCu. I. pp. 401 ff.
6. AvaN, 766.
7. AvaCu. I. p. 411, AvaN. 764, 775 AcaCu. p. 2.
8. Mahan. p. 70.
9. AvaCu. I. pp. 401 ff., UttN. and UttS. pp. 96-97,
2. Jam. 104
Vairakamta (Vairakanta) A celestial abode similar to Vaira(1).1
1. Sam. 13.
Same as Vaira(4).1
first layer of Rayaṇappabha(2), the thousand yojanas.1
1. Vairakuda (Vairakūṭa) A celestial abode similar to Vaira(1).1
1. Sam. 13.
Goddess Bala
1. Vairajamgha (Vajrajangha) King of the city of Lohaggala(1) in Mahāvideha. He was married to Sirimatī(2), daughter of king Vairseņa(2) of the
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