1. Vajja (Vajra ) A celestial abode in Lamtaa where the maximum longevity of gods is thirteen sägaropama years. They breathe once in thirteen fortnights and have desire for food once in thirteen thousand years.
1. Sam. 13.
2. Vajja One of the sixteen countries in the time of Mahăvira. It is the same as Pāli Vajji, the country of the tribe of the Vajjis. The Vajji or Vrji tribe included eight confederate clans among whom the Videhans, Vğjikas and Licchavis were most important. The country of Vajji was situated to the south of Darbhanga including the adjacent Nepal Tarai. 1. Bha. 554.
3. AGI, p. 447. 2. GB. I. p. 17, IDETBJ, p. 19, 52.
3. Vajja A division of the Lādha country. Same as Vajjabhami. See Ladha. 1. AcaCu. pp. 318, 319.
2. AvaN. 492, AvaCu. I. p. 296.
A goddess."
Vajjankusi (Vajrānkuśā)
1. Ava. D. 18. Valjakarta (Vajrakānta ) • 1. Sam. 13.
A celestial abode similar to Vajja(1).
Vajjakaļa (Vajrakūța)
1. Sam. 13.
A celestial abɔde similar to Vajja(1),1
First disciple of Abhiņamdaņa, the fourth
Vajjanabha (Vajranābha) Titthamkara.1
1. Sam. 157, Tir. 445.
Vaijappabha (Vajraprabha) A celestial abode similar to Vajja(1).1
1. Sam. 13. Vajjapāņi (Vajrapāņi) See Sakka(3).
1. Praj. 52, Bha. 144. Vajjabhūmi (Vajrabhūmi) A part of the Lādha country. It was visited by Mabăvira. It is identified with modern Birbhum. See Lådha also. 1. Aca., AcaCu. p. 318, Vis. 2. SBM. p. 389, LAI. p. 350.
1946, AvaN. 492, AvaCu. I. p. 296, AvaM. p. 285, KalpV. p. 167,
KalpDh. p. 107. Vajjarūva (Vajrarūpa) A celestial abode just like Vajja(1).1
1. Sam. 13.
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