Vamdaņa (Vandana) See Vamdaņaga."
1. AvaCu. I. p. 3. Vamdañaga or Vamdaņaya (Vandanaka ) Third section or chapter of Āvassaya." 1. AvaCu. I. p. 3., AvaN. (Dipikā). II. p. 183, Avaču. II. pp. 14, 51, AvaN. 1110,
NanM. p. 204, Anu. 59, Paky. p. 41. Variadha (Vandhya) One of the eighty-eight Gabas. It is also known as Kakkamdha and Kākamdha.?
1. Sur. 107, SurM. pp. 295–296. i 2. Sth. 90, SthA. p. 79. Vamsa ( Vamsa) Fourth sub-section of Viyāhapaņņatti. It consists of ten chapters.
1. Bha. 688. Vamsā (Vařśā) Another name of Sakkarappa bhā, the second infernal region.
1. Jiv, 67, Sth. 5460. Vamsālaya (Vamśālaya) A country similar to Kālikeya."
1. AvaCu. I. p. 162. Avam. p. 216, Vakkamti ( Avakrānti) Sixth chapter of Pappavaņā.1
1. Praj. v. 4, Bh1, 82, 462, 650, 688, Jiv. 13, JivM. p. 21, BhaA. p. 585. Vakkala (Valkala) or Vakkalaciri (Valkalacìrin) A non-Jaina sage in the tirtha of Aritthanemi, recognised as a Patteyabuddha.1
1. Risi. 6, Risi (Sangrahani).
Vakkalavāsi (Valkalavāsin ) A class of vānaprastha ascetics who used the bark of trees for their clothing.1
1. BaaA. p. 519, Aup. 38. Vakkavāsi (Valkalavā sin ) A class of ascetics same as Vakkalayāsi.1
1. Bha 417, Nir. 3.3. Vakkasuddhi (Vákyasuidhi) Sre Vakkasohi.
1. NisCu. II. p. 80, Vakkasohi (Vākyaśuddhi) Seventh chapter of Dasaveyālia.?
1. DasN. 288, NisCu. II. p. 80. Vakkhāra (Vaksaskāra ) or Vakkhārapavvaya (Vaksaskāraparvata ) They are crecent mountains. Their summits are shaped like the neck of a horse. These mountains are five hundred yojanas high and five hundred gavyūtis
1. Sth. 87, Sth. p.71. 84
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