Risibhasita (Rșibhāșita ) Same as Isibhāsiya.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 5o1.
Ruila (Rucira) A celestial abode in Päpata where the maximum span of life of gods is twenty sägaropama years. They breathe once in twenty fortnights and have desire for food once in twenty thousand years.
1. Sam. 20.
Ruilla (Rucira) A celestial abode in Bambhaloa where the maximum longevity of gods is nine sägaropama years. They breathe once in nine fortnights and have desire for food once in nine thousand years.1
1. Sam. 9.
A celestial abode similar to Ruilla.1
Ruillakaṁta (Rucirakānta)
1. Sam. 9.
Ruill akada (Rucirakūta)
A celestial abode just like Ruilla.
1. Sam
A celestial abode just like Ruilla.1
Ruillajjhaya (Ruciradhvaja )
1. Sam. 9.
A celestial abode similar to Ruilla.1
Ruilla ppabha (Ruciraprabha)
1. Sam. 9.
Ruillalesa ( Ruciraleśya ) A celestial abode just like Ruilla.
1. Sam. 9. Ruillavanna (Ruciravarna) A celestial abode exactly like Ruilla.
1. Sam. 9, Roillasinga (Ruciraśặnga) A celestial abode exactly like Ruilla.'
1, Sam. 9. Ruillasittha (Ruciraśişta ) A celestial abode just like Ruilla.?
1. Sam. 9. Ruillāvatta (Rucirājarta) A celestial abode similar to Ruilta.
1. Sam. 9, Ruilluttarayadimasaga (Rucirottarāvatamsaka) A celestial abode similar to Ruilla.1
1. Sam. 9. Rukkha (Vrksa) Third chapter of the eighth section of Viyahapannatti.1
1. Bha. 309.
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