Same as Ruppakulā(1).1
Ruppakuda (Rüpyakūta )
1. Sth. 643.
1. Ruppakūlā (Rūpyakūlā)
1. Jam. 111, Sth. 643.
A peak of mount Ruppi(4).1
2. Ruppakālā A big river rising from the northern gate of Mahāpamdariya lake situated on mount Ruppi(4). It flows towards the west in Herannavaya(1).1
1. Jam. 111, Sam. 14, Sth. 522.
3. Rupakolā A river flowing in Vācāla. It is the same as Ruppavālogā.
1. AvsCu. I. P. 277, AvaN. p. 272, Kalpv. pp. 158, 163.
Ruppaņābha ( Rūpyanābha) Next birth of a priest of Pabbhamkarı(4) city. His other name is Subāhu(2).1
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 179-180.
Ruppavālugā (Rūpyavālukā) A river flowing between northern and southern Vācāla.
1. AvaH. 195.
Same as Ruppobhāsa.
Ruppābhāsa (Rūpyābhāsa)
1. Sth. 90.
1. Ruppi (Rukmin ) Son of king Bhesaga of the city of Kodinna(6). He was invited to appear in the self-choosing (svayamvara) ceremony of Dovai.
1. Ina. 117, PrasA. p. 88. PrasJ. p. 87. 1 2. Ina 117.
2. Ruppi Previous birth of Titthamkara Kumthu(1),1
1. Sam. 137.
3. Ruppi King of the Kunāla country with its capital at Săvatthi. He was one of the six lovers of Malli(1). Dhäriņi(31) was his wife and Subăbu (3) his daughter.1
1. Jna. 65, 71, Sth. 564.
4. Ruppi A mountain situated in Jambuddiva. It forms the nothern boundary of Rammaga(5) and the southern one of Heraņņavaya(1). It is like Mahāhimuvamta(3) in size. There is situated on it the lake Mahāpumdariya. Ruppi has eight peaks, namely, Siddha, Rapp i(6), Rammaga(2), Narakamtākāda Ruddhi(3), Ruppakūlā(1), Herannavaya 4) and Manikamcana. It is presided over by god Ruppi(5).
1. Jam. 111, Sth. 197, 522, 643, Sam. 53, 57, 82, 102, 110.
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