Rattakambalá (Raktakambalā) One of the four consecratory slabs situa. ted in the Pamdagavana grove of mount Mardara(3),1
1. Sth. 302. Jam, 107. Rattapāa (Raktapāda) A shrine situated in the Rattāsoga park of Mahāpura. It is dedicated to a yakşa.1
1. Vip. 34.
1. Rattavai (Raktavati) A river flowing in Eravaya(1) rising from the lake Pumdariya(7) situated north to mount Mamdara(3) and emptying into the western Lavana ocean. It has five tributaries : Imdā(3), Imdasenā, Suseni, Vāriseņā(2) and Mahābhoyā. 1. Jam. 111, Sth. 197, 470, 522, Sam. | 2. Sth. 470
14, 24-25, 2. Rattavai A peak of mount Sihari(1).
1. Jam. 111
Queen of Datta(11), king of Campå. Mahacamda(4) was
3. Ratta vai their son.
1. Vip. 34. 4. Rattavai
1. Vip. 34.
Wife of prince Mahabbala(10) of Mahāpura,
Rattavati (Raktavatī)
1. Sam. 197, Sth. 522.
See Rattavai.!
Rattasilā (Raktasilā) One of the four consecratory slabs situated in Pamdagavaņa. 1 'It is known as Rattakambalalasilā in the Thāņa.? 1. Jam. 107.
1 2. Sth. 302.
Rattasubhaddā (Raktasubhadrā) Another name of Subhadda(12), wife of Ajjuna(2). A battle .was fought for her.
1. Pras. 16, PrasA. p. 89. 1. Rattā (Raktā). A river in Eravaya(1), rising from the lake Pumdariya(7) situated on the Sihari(1), mountain and emptying into the eastern Lavana ocean.1
1. Jam. 111, Sth. 197, 522, Sam. 14. 24-25, JivM. p. 244.
2. Rattā A peak of mount Sihari(1).
1. Jam. 111. Rattāvai or Rattāvati (Raktāvatī) Same as Rattavai,
1. Sth. 470.
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