custom of worshipping the sāla tree.1? It was the birth-place of Titthayara Munisuvvaya (1).18 He broke his first fast there.19 Văsudeva(1) Purisasība in his previous birth made a resolve (nidāna) in this city.20 Titthayara Pāsa(1) visited it and initiated many persons.21 Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1) had visited this city.22 Jarāsaņdha, the farher of Sabadeva(2), reigned here.23 He had famous courtezans like Magahasenā, Magahasumdari and Magahasiri24 King Jiyasttu(15)25 reigned in Rāyagiha in the life-time of Titthayara Pāsa. Seņia(1) king of Rāyagiha, was a contemporary of Titthayara Māhävira.26 King Pajjoya once attacked this city.27 It was a place of activities of heretics like Kālodãyi, Selodāyi etc.28 Titthayara Mahāvīra spent his fourteen rainy seasons at Rāyagiha and Nālamdā. Besides, he often visited them.29 Eleven chief disciples (Gañadharas) of Mahāvīra attained emancipation at Rāyagiha.30 Mahāvīra initiated here several persons like Seniya's sons Jāli(4), Dihasena(3) etc.31 and Seniya's wives Namdā(1), Bhaddä(21)32 etc., a number of merchants and their sons such as Isidāsa(2). Dhanna(5), Meha(3), Käsava(6), Várattaga(2) etc.33 and many others.34 His lay-votaries like Mahāsayaa(2)35 Sulasā(2)36, etc. belonged to Rāyagiha. Merchants Vijaya(6), Anamda(3) and Suņamda(5) of this city offered alms to Titthayara Mahāvīra.37 Mahāvīra held discussions with Goyama(1)38, Mamdiyaputta33 and Senia40 on religion and philosophy in this city. He preached here the following chapters : the first section, the ninth chapter of the fifth section and the tenth, eleventh, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and twentieth sections of Viyā hapaņņatti", Pajjusaņākappa'?, Ayatitthäņa43 etc. Gosāla requested here Mahāvīra to admit him as his pupil.44 He performed here 17. Bha. 528.
10, BrhM. p. 88, Visk p. 275, Vis. 18. AvaN. 383, Tir. 508.
867, 1927, 1946, 1973. 19. Avan. 325.
30. KalpV. 248, AvaN. 659, Vis. 2520. 20. Sam. 158, Tir. 608.
31 Anut. 1, 2. 21. Jna. 158, Nir. 4.1.
32. Ant. 16. 22. Uttn. pp. 379-380.
33. Anut. 6, Ant 14, Jna. 140. 23. Jna. 117,
34. Ant. 12, 14. 24. AvaCu. II. p. 209, AvaN. 1309, 35. Upa. 46-47. AcaCu. p. 86, AcaSi. p. 139.
36. NisBh. 31, VyaM. I. p. 27. 25. Nir. 4.1.
37. Bha. 541. 26. Bha. 4. Jna. 6, 93, Dasa. 10. 1, 38. Jna. 62, 89, 90, Bha. 165, 169-172.
VyaM. I. p. 27, UttCu. p. 260, 39. Bha. 150. AvaCu. II. p. 61. DasCu. p. 96, Nis. 40. Dasa. 10.1, AvaCu. II. p. 202, Anut. Cu I. p. 9, Brh: p. 57. Nir. 1.1.
4, Visk. p. 414. 27. AvaCu. I. p. 557.
41. Bha. 3, 176, 394, 409, 561, 590,616, 28. Bha. 305, 308, 354, 634. 29. Kalp. 122, Bha. 5, 20, 84, 90, 134, 42. Kalp (Sāmācāri). 64.
180, 232, 281, 283, 405, 491, 493, 43. Dasa. 10. 9. 500, 571, Jna. 21, 93, 140, 148, 44. Bha. 541, AvaCu. I. p. 282, Vis. 149, AvaN. 492, 518, 1302, AvaCu.
1927. I. pp. 282, 296. 315, 382, Nir. 3. 1
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