Mahilā (Mithila ) Same as Mihilă.
1. Kalp. 122, AvaN. 645, AvaH. p. 719. 1. Mahissara (Mahesvara) Ope of the two lords (indras) of Bhūyavaiya gods.
1. Sth. 94, Praj. 49.
2. Mahissara (Maheśvara ) Son begot by mendicant Pedhäla(1) on nun Sujetthā. He was named Saccai(1). He acquired the Mahārohini Vidya which entered his body causing a hole in the middle of his forehead. This aperture was acclaimed by the gods as his third eye. He killed Pedhäla and Kālasamdīva. The celestial lord named him Mahissara. As he outraged the modesty of women, king Pajjoa got him killed with the help of courtezan Umā(2).
1. AvaCu, II. pp. 174-176. This is Jain version of the origin of Mahesvara or Siva. Mahi One of the five big rivers and a tributary of Gangā.
1. Sth. 470, 717, Nis. 12.42; NisCu. III. p. 364, BrhKs. p. 1487. Mahu (Madhu) See Madhurăyaņa."
1. Risi (Sangrahani). Mahuketava (Madhukaițabha) See Mahukedhava.
1. Tir. 609.
Mahukedhava (Madhukaitabha) Fourth Padisattu of the Bharaba(2) region in the current Osappiņi. He was killed by Purisuttama."
1. Sam. 158, Vis. 1767, Tir. 609. 1. Mahura (Madhura) An Anäriya or Milikkhu country and its people. It is called also Maggara.? 1. Pras. 4.
Praj. 37. 2. Mahura ( Māthura) A monk who belonged to Mahurā(1).
1. Mar. 494. 1. Mahură (Mathurā ) Capital of Súrasena(2), an Ariya country. Its another name is Uttaramahurā. There was a Jain tope (stūpa)3 which was claimed by the Buddhists. This place was a land-port. It was connected with Anamda pura by a land-route. There was a park called Bhamdīravadersia in Mahurā. Titthayara Pāsa(1) had visited it. The
1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, NisCu. II. 4. VyaBh. 5.27-28.: p. 466.
5. AcaCu. p. 281, Utts. p. 605. 2. Aval. p. 688.
6. Vya M. III. p. 86. 3. OghN. 119, NisCu. III. p. 79, 7. Jna. 156.
BrhKs. p. 1536, VyaM. IV. p. 43.
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