3. Manorama A palanquin employed on the occasion of Titthamkara Malli's(1) renunciation ceremony.1
1. Sam. 157.
1. Manoraha (Manoratha)
1. SutN. 204, SutSi. p. 407.
2. Manoraha
1. Jam. 152, Sur. 48.
Third day of a fortnight.1
A garden at Nālaṁdā.1
Manosila or Manosilaya (Manaḥśilaka) One of the four Velamdharaṇāgaraya gods. He has his abode on mount Dagasima situated in the Lavaṇa ocean.1
1. Sth. 305, Jiv. 159, SthA. p. 229. Manasila or Manosiliya (Manaḥśilā) situated on mount Dagasima.1
1. Jiv. 159.
Manohara (Manoharā) when he renounced the world.1
1. Sam: 157.
Mati See Mai.1
Capital of god Manosilaya. It is
Manohari (Manohari)
One of the two queens of Jiyasattu(35). She was permitted to renounce the world on the condition that she would enlighten her son Baladeva(2) Ayala(5). After her death she became the lord of the gods in the Lamtaga region. On the death of Vasudeva Bibhisana the brother of Ayala, she fulfilled her promise.1
1. AvaCu. I. pp. 176-177.
A palanquin used by Titthamkara Muņisuvvaya(1)
1. AvaN. 1296, AvaCu. II. p. 197.
A river flowing between the Vacchavai and Rammaa(4) districts.1 It lies to the east of mount Maṁdara(3) and to the south of river Siyā." 2. Sth. 197.
1. Jam. 96, Sth. 522.
Jain Education International
Mattiyāvai (Mṛttikävati)
Capital of Ariya country Dasanna.1 Dasanna is Daśārņa, i.e., East Malwa. Its capital was Vidisā, modern Besnagar near Bhilsa. It is not known whether Mattiyävai was the same.
1. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123.
2. SGAMI. p. 151.
See Mahurā.1
1. AvaN. 471, AvaCu. I. p. 530, AvaCu. II. p. 155.
Mathurakoṭṭaillaga (Mathurakoṭṭaillaka) A person Udăimäraga, whose intentions were difficult to be fathomed.1
1. AvaCu. II. p. 29.
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