From Campă both Mahāvīra and Gosala proceeded to the Kalaya settlement, Pattālaga village, Kumaraa settlement, Coraga settlement and then to Pitthicampā where Mahavira spent his full fourth rainy season without taking food and boiled water. Gosāla had a discussion with the monks of Pasa's (1) tradition in Kumāraa settlement.55
From Pitthicampā Mahāvīra along with Gosala proceeded to Kayamgalā and from there to Savatthi. Here Gosala was served with man's meat by Siribhadda, wife of merchant Piudatta.56 From Savatthi they went to a village named Haleduta, then to village Namgala, Avatta(4) Coraya, Kalambuya and thereafter to Ladha, a non-Aryan country, where he had to suffer all sorts of tortures. Mahavira spent his fifth rainy season at Bhaddiyā, a city in Aryan territory.57
From Bhaddiya Mahāvīra and Gasala went to the viliage of Kadali, then to Jambusamḍa, Tambaya and Küviya settlements. Gosala, then, severed his company with Mahavira and started wandering all alone. Mahavira went to Vesāli. From there he came to Gamaya settlement, Sälisisa village and then again to Bhaddiya city where his sixth rainy season also passed."8
Then the venerable ascetic undertook a tour of Magaha where Gosāla rejoined him. He spent his seventh rainy season at Alabhiya.59
From Alabhiya Mahāvīra and Gosāla went to Kumdaga, Maddana, Bahusǎlaya, Lohaggala(2), Purimatala, Unnaga, and then to Rayagiha where Mahavira spent his eighth rainy season."0
The venerable ascetic again undertook the tour of the Ladha country and travelled in Vajjabhumi and Subbhabhumi or Suddhabhümi. He spent his ninth rainy season in this non-Aryan land.61
Then both Mahāvīra and Gosāla reached Siddhatthapura, Kummagāma and again Siddhatthapura.62 While in Kummagāma, they saw an ascetic named Vesiyāyaṇa with upraised arms and upturned face in the glare of the sun. His body was swarming with lice. Gosāla repeatedly enquired whether he was a sage or a bed of lice. Vesiyāyaṇa got angry and struck him with his supernormal power called tejolesya, Mahavirā saved Gosäla by his counter supernormal power called Sitalesya and also explained to him the severe ascetic discipline by which such powers could be obtained. While at Siddhatthapura (or Siddhatthagama), Gosala uprooted a sesamum shrub and threw it away challenging Mahavira's predication that it would 60. AvaCu. J. pp. 294-5, AvaN. 489-492. 61. AvaCu. I. p. 296, Aca. 9. 3.2, AvaN. 492, Vis. 1666.
55. AvaCu. I. pp. 284-7, AvaN. 477-9. 56. AvaCu. I. pp. 287-8, AvaN, 479-480. 57. AvaCu. I. pp. 288-290, Aca. 9. 3.2.ff., AvaN. 480-3.
58. AvaCu. I. pp. 291-3, AvaN. 484-8. 59. AvaCu. I. p. 293, AvaN. 489.
Jain Education International
62. AvaCu. I. p. 297, AvaN. 493-4. 63. According to Bha. 543, it is Kumbdagāma(3).
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