1. Mahāpauma (Mahāpadma) A celestial abode in Mahăsukka(1) where the maximum longevity of gods is seventeen Sāgaropama years. They breathe once in seventeen fortnights and have desire for food once in seventeen thousand years.1
1. Sam. 17. 2. Mahāpauma Son of Sukāla(4) and Mahāpauma.
1 Nir. 2.2.
3. Mahāpauma Ninth would-be Cakkavatti of the Bharaha(2) region in Jambuddiva.
1. Sam. 139, Tir. 1125.
4. Mahāpauma Ninth Cakkavatti of the present Osappiņi in the Bharaha(2) region of Jambuddiva. He is also known as Paumapābha(1). His capital was Vāņārasi. He was contemporary of Titthayara Muņisuvvaya(1). Paumuttara(2) was his father and Jālā was his mother. His height was 20 dhanusas5 Vasundharā(2) was his chief queen. He lived 3000 years and then attained emancipation.? 1. Vis. 1763, Sth. 718, Utt. 18.41, Sam. 4. Sam. 158, AvaN. 398-400.
158, Tir. 303, AvaN. 374.375. 5. AvaN. 393. 2. AvaN. 419.
6. Sam. 158. 3. AvaN. 397, 419.
17. Ava N. 396-401.
5. Mabăpa uma King of Pemdarigini in Pokkhalâvai(1) district of Mahavi deba. He became a monk. After death he was born as a god in the Mahāsukka region and thereafter as Teyaliputta.
1. Ina. 103, AvaCu. I. p. 501. 6. Mahāpauma Second chapter of Kappavadinsiyā.
1. Nir. 2.1.
7. Ma båpauma He is king of Pundarigini(1) in Pukkhalāvai(1) district of Mahāvideha, father of Pumdariya(1) and Kamdariya(1) and husband of queen Paumāvai(3). He became a monk and attained emancipation.
1. Utts. p. 326, AvaCu. I. p. 384. i 2. Jna. 141.
8. Mahāpauma Ninth king of the Namda(1) dynasty. His minister was Sagadāla.'
1. AvaCu. II. p. 183.
9. Mahāpauma Future birth of Gosāla. He will be the son of king Sammui(1) and queen Bhaddā(27)(1) of the Pamda country. His two other names are Devaseña(1) and Vimala vābaña(3),
1. Bha. 559.
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