namdā.11 Then he called god Harinegamesi, the commander of infantry, and ordered him to transfer the embryo from the womb of Devānamdā to that of Tisalā, wife of khattia Siddhattha(1) of the northen Kșatriya part of the Kumdapural2 settlement, and the embryo from the womb of Tisalā to that of Devānamdā.13 Harinegamesi acted accordingly.14 This event took place on the thirteenth day of the dark half of the month of Āśvina (after the lapse of eighty-two days) when the moon was in conjunction with the Hatthuttarā constellation.15 The knowledge of Mahāvira was three-fold. He knew that he was to be removed, he knew that he was removed, and he did not know that he was being removed.18
In that night in which the embryo of Mahāvīra was transfered from the womb of Devānamdā to that of Tisalā, the former dreamt that the fourteen objects of her dream were taken away from her by Tisalā.17 At the same time Tisalā saw those objects entering into her own dream.18
Once Mahāvīra, out of compassion for mother, stopped moving inside the womb. This caused great anxiety to Tisalā who thought that the embryo had been taken away from her womb or it had died, lost or fallen. Knowing the anxiety of his mother the babe started moving as usual. Then Tisalā felt quite happy and joyful. At this moment Mahāvīra resolved not to renounce the world during the life-time of his parents,19
After the lapse of nine months and seven and a half days, on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the month of Caitra when the moon was in conjunction with the Hatthuttară constellation, Tisalā gave birth to a perfactly healthy sop, viz., Mahāvira.20
At the time of Mahāvīra's birth gods and goddesses of all the four classes gathered there, showered nectar, flowers, gold, pearls etc. different ceremonies of auspiciousness and anointment.21
As the family's treasure of gold, silver, jewels etc. went on increasing since the prince (Mahāvira) was placed in the womb of Tisalā, he was named Vaddhamāņa(1)= Vardhamāna, i.e. the Increasing One.22
Mahāvira belonged to the Kāsava lineage (gotra). He was known by three names : Vaddhamāna, Samana and Mahāvīra. He was given the name of Vaddhamāna by his parents. He was called Samana by the people
11. Kalp. 17-18, 20, AvaCu. I. p. 239. 17. Kalp. 31. 12. Uttarakhattiyakumdapura in Aca. 2. 18. Kalp. 32.
176, whereas Khattiya kuṁdaggāma 19. Kalp. 91-94, AvaCu. I. p. 242. in Kalp. 21.
20. Aca. 2. 176, Kalp. 96, AvaCu. I. 13. Kalp. 21-26.
p. 243. See Raj. 7-9 for a detailed 14. Kalp. 28, Aca. 2.176 (Here the name
description of his physique. Hariņegamesi does not accur.), Sam. 21. Aca. 2. 176, Kalp. 97-98, AvaCu. I. 134.
p. 243. 15. Ach. 2. 176, Kalp. 30, Sam. 82-3. 22. Aca. 2.176, Kalp. 90, 105-6, Avay.. 16. Aca. 2. 176, Kalp. 31.
I. p. 242.
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