Devakuru and Uttarakuru(1). They are situated respectively to the east, west, south and north of mount Mamdara(3). There are two great rivers namely Siã and Sioä in Mahāvideha. Sjā flows towards the east and Sioā towards the west of mount Mamdara. The other mountains situated in it are Gamdhamāyaṇa, Māla-Vamta(1), Somaṇasa(5) and Vijjuppabha(1) which fall respectively to the north-west and north-east; south-east and south-west of Mandara. Cittakāda(1), Pamhakāda(1), Nalipakűļa and Egasela(2) are situated to the north of Sīā while Tiuda, Vesamaņakūda, Amjapa(2) and Māyamjapa to its south. Amkāvai(2), Pamhāvai(1), Āsivisa and SubĀvaba are situated to the south of Sioā, while Camda(5), Sara(6), Ņāga(6) and Deva(3) to its north.9
There are thirty two districts--Vijayas(23) in Mahăvideha. They are divided into four groups geographically. The names of those districts groupwise are :--Kaccha(1)10, Sukaccha,(1), Mahākaccha(2), Kacchagāvai(2) Avatta, Mangalăvatta(2), Pukkhalāvatta(1) and Pukkhalā vai(1)"; Vaccba(6), Suvaccha(1), Mahávaccha, Vácchăvai, Ramma(2), Rammaga(4), Ramanijja(2) and Mamgalával(1),Pamha(1),Supamha(2), Mahāpamha(1), Pamhagăvai, Samkha(5), Kumuda(1), Nalipa(4) and Naliņāvai(1); Vappa(1), Suvappa(1), Mabāyappa(1), Vappayāvai, Vaggu(1), Suvagga(2), Gamdhila(1) and Gamdhilā vai(1)12 and they are situated group-wise to the east of Mandar and north of river Siā, to the east of Mandara and south of river Siā, to the west of Mandara and south of river Sioa and to the west of Mandara and north of river Sioā respectively. Or to say the first two groups are situated in Puvvavideha and the other two groups in Avaravideha, Titthamkaras are born in these 32 districts. Avaravideha(1) and Puvvavideha(1) have Dussa masusama era and they are Kanmabhūmis.13 Titthamkaras always preach here (in Avara videha and Puvvavideha only) căujjāma-dhammals i.e. four-fold law. There exist four Titthamkaras, four Cakkavattis, four Baladevas(2) and four Vāsudevas(1) at the minimum.15
Devakuru and Uttarakuru(1) have Susamasusamā era, they are Akammabhūmis and their twin inhabitants are three gayyūtis tall and their age is threee palyopama years. They attain youth in 49 days.16
Mahāvideha has static conditions17 in it. There is neither Ussappiņi nor Osappiņi. It always experiences pleasure and pain in equal proportion.18 3. Jam. 85.
12. Ibid. 102. 4. Ibid. 103.
13. Sth. 89, 183, 555, Bha. 675, BhaA. 5. Ibid. 125.
p. 897. 6. Jam. 86, 91, 97, 101.
14. Bha. 676. 7. Ibid. 94-95.
15. Sth. 302. 8. Ibid. 96.
16. Bha. 675, BhaA. p. 897, Jam. 87, 98, 9. Ibid. 102.
Sth. 89, 143, 522. 10. Jam. 93.
17. Bha. 675. 11. Ibid. 95.
18. Tir. 925, NanM. p. 114.
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