Bhū yāṇaḥd a Bhayavademsä (Bhūtāvatamsā) A place on the South-Western Raikaraga mountain. It is the capital of Acchară, a queen of lord Sakka(3).1
1. Sth. 307. Bhūyavāa (Bhūtavāda) Same as Bhūyavāiya."
1. Sth. 94. Bhūyavāiya (Bhūtavādika) A kind of Vāṇamaṁtara gods with their two lords Isara(2) and Mahissara(1).1
1. Praj. 47, 49, Sth. 94, PraS. 15. Bhūyavādiya (Bhūtavādika) Same as Bhūyavāiya.!
1. Pras. 15. Bhūyavāya (Bhūtavāda) Another name of Ditthivāya.
1. Sth. 742, Vis. 555, BrhBh. 744 Bhūyasiri (Bhūtasri) Wife of Brāhmaṇa Somadatta (2) of Campā.
1. Jna. 106. 1. Bhīyā (Bhūtā) Daughter of merchant Sadamsaņa(12) of Rāyagiha. She had renounced the world and become a disciple of Papphacūlā(1) the principal lady-disciple of Titthayara Pāsa(1).
1. Nir 4.1, SihA. p. 512. 2. Bhūy. One of the seven sisters of Thūlabhadda. They all were disciples of Sambhūivijaya(4).
1. AvaCu. II. p. 183, Tir. 752, Kalp. p. 256, Ava. p. 28. 3. Bhūyā A place on the southwestern Raikaraga mountain. It is a capital of Amalā(2), a principal wife of Sakka(3).1
1. Sth. 307. 1. Bhūyāņaṁda (Bhūtānanda ) Lord of the northera Nāgakumāra gods. He has six principal wives; Rüyā, Rūyamsa(2), Surdyā(3), Rūyagāvati(2), Rayakamtā(1) and Rūyappabhă(2). He has forty lakhs of dwelling places.3 He paid homage to Mahāvira at Vesāli. He has five war-generals and two entertainment chiefs. They are : Dakkha, Suggiva(5), Suvikkama, Seyakamtha, Namduttara, Rai and Māṇasa respectively. His four Logapālas bear the same names as those of Dharana's(1). 1. Bha. 169, 404.
4. Vis. 1974, AvaN. 519, AvaCu. I. p. 316. 2. Bha. 406.
5. Sth. 404, "82. 3. Sam. 40.
6. Sth. 256, Bha. 169.
2. Bhūyāṇamda One of the two chief elephants belonging to king Kūņia. In his previous birth he was a Asurakumāra god. He will attain salvation in Mahāvideha in future.'
1. Bha. 590, 301.
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