(15) Disādi and (16) Vadersaa.18 It has some more names like Piyadansaņa(3), Uttara(3), 19 Dharanikhila, Dharanisimga, Pavvattimda, Pavyayarāya,20 Kanagagiria etc. The distance from the western end of Mamdara to the western and the eastern ends of mount Gothūbha and to the western end of the Goyama(5) island measures 97000, 98000 and 69000 yojanas respectively.22 The Joisa gods revolve at a minimum distance of 1121 yojanas from mount Mamdara.23 The nearest and the farthest sürama ndalas (the distance at which the suns of Jambuddiva revolve around this mountain ) lie at a distance of 44820 and 45330 yojanas respectively from the mountain.24 Celestial lords bring the new-born Jinas (Titthamkaras ) to the mountair and perform their ablution ceremony.25 There are similar Mamdara mountains in some of the other concentric islands but their height is eightyfour yojanas only.26 18. Jam. 109, Sam. 16, Sur. 26.
23. Jam. 164, Sam. 11, Sur.92, Dev. 136-137. 19. Sam. 16.
24. Jam. 131. 20. Sur. 26.
25. Jam. 117-119, AvaBh. 65, Vis. 1860. 21. AupA. p. 68.
26. Sam. 84. 22. Sam. 68, 69, 97, 98. See also Sam. 55,
67, 87, 88, 92.
4. Mandara A peak of the western Ruyaga(1) mountain. Disākumari Paumăvai(16) resides on it.
1. Sth. 643.
5. Mamdara A peak of mount Mamdara(3), situated in Ņamdanavana(1). The name of its presiding deity as well as of her capitel is Mohavai.
1. Jam. 104, Sth. 689.
6. Mandara Same as Mamdira settlement.1
1. AvaN. 443, KalpDh. p. 38.
Same as Mamdara(5),1
Mamdarakada (Mandarakūta)
1. Jam. 104.
Mamdaracalia (Mandaracũlikā) Central peak of mount Mamdara(3). It is located in the centre of the circular Pamdagavaņa. Its height measures forty yojanas.? Its breadth at the base, in the middle and at the upper part is twelve, eight and four yojanas respectively.3 Similarly its circumference measures thirty-seven, twenty-five and twelve yojanas respectively. It is somewhat more at all the three points. The shape of the peak is like a cow's tail. It is wholly composed of vaidūrya gems. There is a shrine of siddhas situated on the summit of the peak." 1. Ja.m. 106, AvaCu. I. p. 144.
3. Jam. 106, Sth. 640, 302. 2. Jam. 106, Sam. 40.
4. Jam. 106.
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