1. Mandira A settlement where Mahāvīra was born in his previous birth as Brahmin Aggibhai(2),1
1. Vis. 1809, AvaN. 443, AvaCu. I. d. 229, KalpV. p. 43. 2. Mamdira A place where Titthayara Samti received his first alms.
1. Avan. 324. Magadha See Magaha.!
1. NisCu. III. p. 523, Aval. p. 261. Magadha Same as Magaha.1
1. AvaCu. II. p. 280. Magara (Makara) Another name of Ráhu(1).
1. Bha. 453, Sur. 105. Magasira (Mrgaširas) One of the twenty-eight Ņakkhattas(1). Bhäraddāya(2) is its family-name. God Soma(5) presides over it.1
1. Sur. 36, 50, Sth. 90, 170, 227, 589, 694, 781, Sam. 3, 10, Jam. 155-158.
Magaha (Magadha ) One of the sixteen Janapadas (countries ).1 Magaha was one of the 255 Āriya countries, with its capital at Rayagiha. It formed the eastern limit of the Ariya territory in the Bharaha(2) region. Monks were not allowed to move beyond it. It was visited by Titthayara Mahāvira. At the end of the great famine monks assembled in a council held at Padaliputta in this country for restoring the canon. Kusatthala, 9 Gobbaragām 210 and Namdiggama(1) were situated in it. Câubbhāiyā, atthabhäiya, solasabhāiyā and causatthiyă were the standard units current in this country for measuring liquid and adlhaya, addhādhaya, patthaya, addhapatthaya, kulava and addhakulava for measuring grains.12 The people of Magaha are said to be expert in understanding things merely by gestures.13 1. Bha. 554.
7. AvaCu. II. p. 187. 2. Utt. 20.2, 10, NisCu. I. p. 17.
8. Tir. 719, ff. 3. Praj. 37, SutSi. p. 123, Bra Bh. 3263, 9. Mahan. p. 87.
Vis. 1666, AvaN. 234, Anu. 130. 10. AvaN. 494, 644, AvaCu. I. p. 297, Pinn. 4. UttCu. p. 260, AvaCu. II. p. 280. 199, Vis. 1942, 1948, 2605. 5. Brh. 1.51, BrhBh. 3263, BrhKs. p. 913. 11. JitBh. 826. 6. AvaN. 488, Avaču. I. p. 293, Kulpv. 12. Raj. 187, RajM. p. 326. p. 167, NisCu. III. p. 523.
13. UttCu. p. 43, VyaBh. 10.93. Magahasiri (Magadhasri) One of the two chief courtezans of king Jarāsaṁdha of Rāyagiha.
1. AvaCu. II. p. 209, AvaN. 1309.
One of the two principal courtezans
Magahasumdari (Magadhasundari) of Jarāsaṁdha, king of Rāyagiha.
1. Avaču. II. p. 209, Avan. 1309.
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